HKU SPACE News Express December 2016
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The start of a new year is traditionally a time to take stock of where we are, how we’re doing and make plans for the future. One of the best plans we can make is to learn something new. And the reason is simple. Learning lasts forever. Gaining a new skill, or a new level of understanding in an area that interests us, or acquiring a new professional qualification can not only improve our lives right now, but also change our future.

At the beginning of each year at HKU SPACE, we also make plans for the coming months, and this year we have launched a number of exciting and enriching new programmes that can help you live better, feel better, and perform better in your daily life and at work.

Advance in your career

According to the government’s Report on Manpower Projection to 2022, Financial Services will be the fastest growing sectors in terms of manpower requirements and career opportunities in the coming years.

To help people take advantage of these opportunities, we are introducing a new Certificate course in Finance and Compliance and an Executive Certificate course in Credit Management. We will also be running an Executive Workshop in Financial Market and Portfolio Management.

Enrich yourself with a little culture

At HKU SPACE we believe in the old adage that the broader our understanding of the world around us, the richer our lives become. This is why we are constantly adding to our personal enrichment courses in art, culture and appreciation of the creativity that is constantly changing our world.

The Zen of Japanese Architecture Study Tour will take participants to temples and churches in Kyoto, Osaka and Uji for a discovery of how Zen has influenced the architectural culture in Japan.

And for dance lovers and those who would like to learn more about the genre, the Foundation Certificate in Dance will guide your steps in tap, jazz, hip hop and modern dance.

Study for a healthier life

Prevention is better than cure. Health knowledge enables us to avoid many diseases from the outsets. We are offering a course on the Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Food Therapy which guides you through the process of diagnosing different body constitutions and provides you with guidelines for mixing and matching various foods to make you feel good and look great.

Adding to food therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, tui-na and stretching are also among various treatments in traditional Chinese medicine that aid in the prevention of diseases. The Diploma in Chinese Medicine Physical Therapy for Health will cover the basics of all of these.

Our new prospectus

These courses would be among the few of our courses, please stay tuned for our Prospectus Spring Prospectus 2017 which will be available in all learning centres on 19 December or visit our website for more information.

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根據政府2022年人力資源推算報告,金融服務業將成為人力資源需求增長最高的行業。學院有見及此推出一系列金融行政課程,讓大家能把握先機,包括: 財務及金融法行政人員證書企業信貸管理行政人員證書金融市場及投資組合管理行政人員課程



日本建築與禪體驗旅程將會帶領學員參觀位於京都、大阪、宇治的寺院及廟宇,並深入了解禪宗對日本建築風格的影響。 至於對不同風格舞蹈都感興趣的你,舞蹈基礎證書將為您領舞,讓您以踢躂、爵士、嘻哈及現代舞暢遊舞池。






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