HKU SPACE News Express April 2017
Summer School 2017
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Spend the summer in a smarter way

Need a break from your smartphone this summer? Studies show it might be a good idea. In fact, a recent survey of 992 teenagers showed that almost 32% of them are spending up to 4 hours a day glued to their phone screens. And almost a third of teenagers in general admit that their phone habits are disrupting their sleep and interfering with their studies.

So maybe this summer might be a good time to put the phone down for a while and try and learn a new skill, or polish up an old passion. That’s the opportunity we’re offering at HKU SPACE Summer School.

From July onwards, we have prepared over 50 specially-designed courses for teenagers aged 15 or above, covering all sorts of things from architecture, languages and law, to comic drawing, pop music, and 3D printing.

The courses are grouped into three broad series.

‘Creativity and Fun’ Series

Creativity is all about breaking free from established norms to look at things differently. So we’ve created a fun way to learn loads of interesting new stuff with courses like: Build Your Own 3D Printer, Creating My Own Comic World, Re-imagining Waterfronts, and an Internet of Things (IoT) Exploration Workshop.

‘Becoming a Professional’ Series

This series is for any youngster with a dream of becoming, say, an architect, pharmacist, arborist (tree doctor), psychologist, pilot, or lawyer. These courses will explain the best academic route to follow and provide tips, help and ideas to bring professional dreams closer to reality.

Language Series

Learning a new language not only helps to broaden one’s horizon and gain a better understanding of different countries and their cultures, it also helps to build confidence and improve one’s overall communication skills. The Summer School is offering language courses in English, Korean, Japanese, French, German and Spanish.

To enrol , or find out more go to our Summer School website or call us on your phone at 3416-6413 or email us at

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(電話: 3416-6413;電郵。

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