012 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE This guide is for the information of students who undertake courses in HKU SPACE, award-bearing and non-award-bearing, credit or non-credit. As a general rule, the School follows University policy and these guidelines are to inform the student body in HKU SPACE as to expectations of behaviours from students and consequences where infractions occur. 本指引供在香港大學專業進修學院修讀課程的學生作參考,並適用於各學銜 或非學銜,學分或非學分制課程。一般而言,本學院緊隨大學政策,以下各 指引旨在讓本院學生們更清楚明瞭對他們日常行為的合理期望,以及違規的 後果。 Overview 概述 The School is commi tted to creat ing, promot ing and maintaining an environment of equality of opportunity for students and staff, free of any discrimination or harassment. Hitherto, the School has been concerned mainly to engage students with a disability to ascertain how, and to what extent, it can help to meet their learning needs. However, equality of opportunity and freedom from harassment has many dimensions as outlined below: 本院致力為學生及教職員創造、推廣及維持一個提供平等機會而沒有任何歧 視或騷擾的環境。 本院一向注重與殘疾學生達致共融,確保在方式及程度上盡量滿足他們的學 習需要。除此之外,學生能在以下各範疇享有平等機會及不受騷擾的自由亦 是我們所關注的: Equal Opportunity 平等機會 The School supports equal opportunity and strongly opposes discrimination/ harassment. Students are treated equally without discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, race, nationality, marital status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, disability, sexual orientation and family status. The School is committed to providing a learning environment where there is no barrier to equal opportunity. Harassment will cause an uncomfortable learning environment. Individual students are responsible for their actions and shall not engage in potentially offensive behaviors. The School observes the various definitions of discrimination, harassment and vilification stipulated by the relevant ordinances in Hong Kong: (a) Sex Discrimination – The definitions of sex discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (b) Sexual Harassment – The definitions of sexual harassment in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (c) Mar i tal Status Discr iminat ion – The def ini t ions of mar i tal status discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (d) Pregnancy Discrimination – The definitions of pregnancy discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (e) Breast feeding Discr iminat ion – The def ini t ions of breast feeding discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (f) Breastfeeding Harassment – The definitions of breastfeeding harassment in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (g) Disability Discrimination – The definitions of disability discrimination and the exceptions in the Disability Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (h) Disabi l ity Harassment and Vi l ification – The definitions of disabi l ity harassment and vilification in the Disability Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (i) Family Status Discrimination – The definitions of family status discrimination and the exceptions in the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (j) Race Discrimination – The definitions of race discrimination and the exceptions in the Race Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (k) Race Harassment and Vilification – The definitions of race harassment and vilification in the Race Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (l) Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation (m) Harassment on the ground of sexual orientation (n) Victimisation discrimination (o) Other forms of discrimination or harassment/vilification The School may make reference to the policies and procedures of the University Equal Opportunity Unit (EOU) and consult the EOU should circumstances warrant. The School will take action, if necessary, to discipline behaviour which violates the Equal Opportunity Policy. Any student who feels that he or she has been or is being subjected to discrimination/harassment by any person should seek assistance or advice as soon as possible. For full-time students in the Community Colleges or International College, please approach the Student Counsellors. For part-time students, please approach the programme team. 本院支持平等機會並堅決反對各種形式之歧視/騷擾。學生們應獲平等對待, 不因年齡、性別、種族、國籍、婚姻狀況、懷孕、餵哺母乳、殘疾、性傾向 和家庭崗位而受到歧視。因此,我們致力提供一個沒有平等機會障礙的學習 環境。 騷擾行為會構成一個不利學習的環境。學生應對個人行為負責,不應作出任 何能被認為是具冒犯性的行為。 本院恪遵香港各相關法例就下列歧視、騷擾及中傷行為作出的定義及指引: (a) 性別歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內性別歧視的定義及獲豁的情況均適用 (b) 性騷擾 –《性別歧視條例》內性騷擾的定義適用 (c) 婚姻狀況歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內婚姻狀況歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況 均適用 (d) 懷孕歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內懷孕歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (e) 餵哺母乳歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內餵哺母乳歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況 均適用 (f) 餵哺母乳騷擾 –《性別歧視條例》內餵哺母乳騷擾的定義和及獲豁免的情 況均適用 (g) 殘疾歧視 –《殘疾歧視條例》內殘疾歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (h) 殘疾騷擾/中傷 –《殘疾歧視條例》內殘疾騷擾/中傷的定義適用 (i) 家庭崗位歧視 –《家庭崗位歧視條例》內家庭崗位歧視的定義及獲豁免的 情況均適用 (j) 種族歧視 –《種族歧視條例》內種族歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (k) 種族騷擾/中傷 –《種族歧視條例》內中種族騷擾/中傷的定義適用 (l) 性傾向歧視 (m) 性傾向騷擾 (n) 使人受害的歧視 (o) 其他形式的歧視或騷擾/中傷 若有需要,本院會參考大學平等機會事務處的政策和程序,並向該處作出 諮詢。 如有必要,本院將對違反平等機會政策的行為採取紀律跟進。 任何學生若認為自己曾經或正在受到任何人歧視/騷擾,應盡快尋求協助或 建議。 遇到上述情況,附屬學院或國際學院的全日制學生應聯繫輔導主任;兼讀制 學生請聯繫課程組別同事。