For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.015) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 029 圖像說明於第029頁 145 Engineering and Science 工程及科學 Engineering 工程學 BEng (Hons) Energy and Building Services Engineering Programme Code: IT062A Ulster University, UK Application Code: 2145-IT062A 2587 3228 This programme aims to produce architectural ly informed Bui lding Services Engineers and Energy professionals who are able to deliver energy conscious and environmentally sustainable solutions for buildings. There are 3 teaching blocks (3 semesters) which consist of 10 modules in total. After completing this programme, students will be able to enhance their knowledge with professions in delivering environmentally sustainable solutions and reduce the environmental impact for existing and new buildings. Applicants should have completed - The Building Services Engineering stream in the Higher Diploma in Engineering awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or - The Building Services Technology stream in the Advanced Diploma in Engineering awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or - A Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in Building Services Engineering or equivalent from other recognised institutions. Applicants will need to provide evidence to demonstrate their English proficiency, for example, an IELTS score of 6.0 or above or equivalent if the medium of instruction is not English in the institutions that they study. To be paid in 3 installments and are subject to annual revision without prior notice. Teaching Block 1: HK$27,000 Teaching Block 2: HK$39,000 Teaching Block 3: HK$39,000 Application Fee: HK$150 More details 18 months English Advanced Diploma in Engineering Programme Code: IT021A Application Code: 2145-IT021A 3762 0842 This programme provides a good foundation concepts in engineering education and prepares students for further studies or acquiring practical knowledge and skills to pursue a career in engineering fields by offering two streams of studies: - Electrical Engineering - Building Services Technology Applicants shall: - have gained in the HKDSE Level 2 Examination or above in 5 subjects# (including Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics (Core)); or - have gained in the HKCEE Grade E in three subjects, and Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language, or equivalent; or - have successfully completed the Yi Jin Programme or the Yi Jin Diploma; or - hold a degree or sub-degree in a non-engineering discipline. Their qualifications must be obtained in an institution with English as the teaching medium. These applicants will be exempted from ENGG2001 General English, ENGG2002 Basic Mathematics I and ENGG3002 Technical English I. Those who hold Level 2 or above in Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 or Module 2 in the HKDSE, or Grade E or above in the HKCEE Additional Mathematics or equivalent will be further exempted from ENGG3003 Basic Mathematics II. For direct entry to Advanced Diploma in Engineering Year 2 Applicants shall fullfill Entry requirement 1, 2 or 4 and have: i) gained in the HKALE Grade E in Physics; or ii) hold a post-secondary certificate or diploma in engineering disciplines awarded by a recognized institution. Note: Applicants who are aged 21 or above with other qualifications or relevant work experience will be considered on individual merit. # Applicants are allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows: - “Attained with distinction” is deemed equivalent to Level 3 in the HKDSE Examination; and - “Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in the HKDSE Examination. To be paid in 3 instalments per year and are subject to annual revision without prior notice. HK$14,800 (Year 1) HK$22,680 (Year 2) HK$30,600 (Year 3) Application Fee: HK$150 2 years to 3 years English More details Level 4 (Reg. No.: 11/001654/4) Validity Period: 09 Jan 2012 - on-going Diploma in Building Services Engineering Programme Code: IT058A Application Code: 2155-IT058A 2587 3227 The programme aims to provide students with specialized knowledge in building services engineering. It also equips students with technical knowledge and skills in electrical, mechanical and sanitary services which are relevant to building services engineering. The modules in the programme helped students undertake basic professional tasks in building services engineering. Applicants should: - have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 or above in Chinese Language, English Language and either Mathematics (Core) or a Science subject; or - have gained in the HKCEE Grade E in Chinese Language, English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject; or - hold a Diploma Yi Jin awarded by a recognized institution. Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the School. HK$13,750 per programme (Course fees are subject to annual revision without prior notice.) Application Fee: HK$150 (Non-refundable) 9 months English Level 3 (Reg. No.: 17/000977/L3) Validity Period: 16 Oct 2017 - on-going Certificate for Module (Robotic Process Automation Design and Development) Programme Code: IT094A Application Code: 2145-IT094A 3762 0839 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a form of business process automation technology based on software robots such that organisations could apply RPA to relieve human workers of repetitive tasks. RPA emulates human interaction with a computer interface, such as spreadsheet or website, to automatically input data, collect and file information, and generally execute multi-step processes. With the adoption of RPA, organisations could improve productivity, efficiency and security. RPA technology also allows organisations to accurately and extensively gather data about task execution that can be employed for analytical purposes. Applicants shall: 1. (a) have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 or above in five subjects including English Language; Or (b) hold a Diploma in Foundation Studies or equivalent qualification; Or (c) hold a Diploma Yi Jin. AND 2. have at least 2 years of work experience Applicants with other equivalent qualifications will be considered on individual merit. HK$16,500 Application Fee: HK$150 45 hours English Level 4 (Reg. No.: 22/000385/L4) Validity Period: 01 Aug 2022 - on-going 元宇宙與新數碼世代 課程編號:IMAT9162 S 報名代碼:2070-1603NW 2587 3227 元宇宙(Metaverse) 是一個聚焦於社交連結的3D虛擬世界之網絡,讓人們在網上過 上第二人生的計算平台。此虛擬空間需要各種現成科技如區塊鏈、人工智能、增強 現實及機器視覺等。關於元宇宙的討論,主要是探討一個去中心化的在線三維虛擬 環境。元宇宙在電腦遊戲、商業、教育、零售和房地產領域都有相當的潛力。完成 所有課堂的學員將獲發HKU SPACE的修讀證明書。 年滿18歲,有興趣人士均適合報讀 每課程 HK$1,080 9小時 粵語