015 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Application and Admission 申請及取錄 General and short courses 1. Admission is normally made on a first come, first served basis. 2. Having paid the course fee, students may assume that their applications have been accepted, and should attend the course as scheduled, unless they hear from us before the course starts. 短期及興趣課程 1. 一般以「先到先得」方式取錄學員。 2. 除特別通告外,學員在繳交學費後,申請即被接納。學員應按課程手冊 或學院網頁所列的時間到有關地點上課。 Award-bearing and professional programmes 1. Admission is by selection (interview or entry test/examination). Entry requirements are specified in the course descriptions. 2. Applicants should note that simply meeting the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee entry to a programme. Places are subject to availability and selection criteria, if any. 3. A small number of award-bearing programmes open their application directly for enrolment and payment on a first-come, first served basis. The final decision on entry is still subject to applicants’ fulfillment of entrance requirements. 4. Successful applicants will be notified of the result as soon as possible after the closing date for application. 5. Unsuccessful applicants will be given a refund of course fees, if already paid. 6. For ful l -t ime programmes of the Communi ty Col lege, the ent ry requirements and the application procedures are specified in the College websites ( https://www2.hkuspace.hku.hk/cc/admission ). 學歷頒授及專業課程 1. 申請人須符合相關入學資格,並通過甄選程序(如面試或筆試)方被取 錄。詳情請參閱個別課程的資料。 2. 申請人即使符合最低入學要求,亦不一定獲得取錄,取錄與否須視乎學 額及甄選結果而定。 3. 部分學歷頒授課程以「先到先得」方式接受學員報名及繳費,最後取錄與 否視乎申請人是否符合入學要求而定。 4. 學院將在截止申請日期後盡快將結果通知申請人。 5. 落選申請人將獲退還已繳交學費。 6. 有關附屬學院之全日制課程,相關入學資格及申請程序已詳列於附屬學 院網站 ( https://www2.hkuspace.hku.hk/cc/admission ). Other information 1. Applicants are normally required to have reached the age of 18. Any applicants below the age of 18 (for example in the Community College and in Summer School programmes) who are admitted may be required to secure parental consent. This does not apply in the case of Applied Learning course students whose primary registration is based in their Secondary Schools. 2. To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong as dependents, who do not need prior approval before taking up full-time and part-time studies. Non-local applicants issued with a valid employment visa also do not need prior approval to pursue part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to a HKU SPACE academic programme/course does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes except for self-financed, part-time locally accredited taught postgraduate programmes awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE. 3. HKU SPACE reserves the right to cancel a course or a programme in cases of insufficient enrolment or unforeseen difficulties arising from running the course. In such circumstances, course fees would be refundable. 4. The Director may, at his discretion, refuse to admit an applicant. 其他事項 1. 申請人一般須年滿18歲。申請人如未滿18歲(例如:附屬學院及 Summer School 課程),報名時需獲得家長同意。(以上不適用於經相關 中學提交的應用學習課程申請人) 2. 非本地申請人必須持有由香港特區政府入境事務處所簽發的學生簽證方可 入讀本院,申請人入學前須辦妥有關手續。惟以受養人士身分獲批准來港 者,毋須經事先批准,可修讀全日制及兼讀制課程。而獲發有效工作簽 證之非本地申請人毋須事前批准,亦可修讀兼讀制課程。獲香港大學專 業進修學院課程取錄並不代表能成功獲發有關學生簽證。除自資並經本 地評審,而有關學銜按香港大學體制,經香港大學專業進修學院頒發的 兼讀制深造修讀課程外,兼讀制課程暫不在入境處考慮批發簽證之列。 3. 若課程報名人數不足,或在特殊情況下,學院有權取消有關課程,而已 繳交的學費在此等情況下將獲退還。 4. 本學院院長有權決定是否接受入學申請。 Enrolment Procedures For first time enrolment: Applicants must provide all the required information on the application form and any additional information as required after the initial application assessment. Otherwise the School may not be able to process the admission/ enrolment further. 報名程序 報讀新課程: 申請人須提供報名表上所須資料。經初步甄選後,個別申請人或須要提供補 充資料,否則,學院將不能繼續處理有關申請。 A. In Person or by Post 1. For first come, first served short courses, complete the Application for Enrolment Form SF26 and bring or post the completed form(s), together with the appropriate application/course fee(s) and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres. 2. Award-bearing and professional courses may require other information. Forms are usually available at the enrolment centres or on request from programme staff. Bring or post the completed form(s), together with the appropriate application/course fee(s) and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres. A. 親身或郵寄報名 1. 凡以「先到先得」為取錄方式的課程,請填妥SF26報名表,親往報名 中心或以郵遞方式連同學費以及所需證明文件呈交。 2. 申請學歷頒授及專業課程可能需要其他資料,報名表可向報名中心或 有關課程負責人索取。填妥申請表格後,請親往報名中心或以郵遞方 式,連同學費以及所需證明文件呈交。 B. Online Online Application for award-bearing and professional courses and Online Enrolment for first-come-first-served short courses are available for most programmes/courses. You may refer to programmes with the “Apply Now” icon on our School website via the individual programme webpage. Please note that successful completion of the Online Application process does not guarantee admission to the programme. After acceptance of offer to award-bearing programmes by selection, online enrolment and payment service is available for selected programmes. Programme staff will inform students if they offer this service and provide further details. B. 網上服務 大部份課程均提供網上報名服務,請留意於課程網頁內載有「立即報名」 標誌的課程。惟請注意成功完成網上申請程序並不代表保証獲得取錄。 申請人如確定學歷頒授課程的取錄後,個別課程為學員提供選科及/或繳 交學費網上服務。如學員就讀的課程設有此服務,課程負責人會通知學 員有關程序。