167 For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 hkuspace.hku.hk Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.015) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 029 圖像說明於第029頁 Healthcare, Sport and Wellness 健康護理、體育及健康 Medical Sciences 醫療科學 ISOGUM and ISO 10012:Workshop in Laboratory Equipment Calibration and Measurement Programme Code: LMLS9001 S Application Code: 2080-1005NW 2520 4618 rosie.so@hkuspace.hku.hk This course will explain the ISO 9000 and ISO/IEC 17025 calibration requirements for clinical and testing laboratories and their underlying principles. It will provide participants with hands-on experience of the calibration of common laboratory instruments based on the standard criteria specified in the "ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" (GUM) and Guidance from ISO 10012. HK$2,550 6 days English ISO 15189 and ISO/IEC 17025 Documentation Systemand Quality DocumentWriting Programme Code: LMLS9011 S Application Code: 1990-1007NW 2520 4618 rosie.so@hkuspace.hku.hk This course aims to help participants to acquire hands-on experience in setting up and maintaining the required documentation systems customized to meet their specific needs. It also helps participants to prepare for the desk audit-tasks that often represent 1/3 of the time spent on laboratory accreditation and account for one of the major reasons for most audit failure. HK$2,200 5 weeks Understanding and Application of ISO17025:2017 - AQuality Management Standard for Laboratory Accreditation Programme Code: LMLS9017 S Application Code: 2040-1820NW 2520 4618 rosie.so@hkuspace.hku.hk This training course has been designed to meet current laboratory expectations to understand and implement _ISO/IEC 17025:2017 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMPETENCE OF TESTING AND CALIBRATION LABORATORIES._ ISO/IEC 17025 is an international quality management system Standard specifically for laboratories. It outlines the controls required to manage risks, and tools to help the laboratory improve its operations and customer satisfaction. The course examines the purpose and application of these requirements to assist Learners in contributing to the implementation of the requirements in their laboratory. HK$2,350 6 weeks ISO 15189:2012 Quality Management Standard for Medical Laboratory Accreditation Programme Code: LMLS9010 S Application Code: 2050-2913NW 2520 4618 rosie.so@hkuspace.hku.hk ISO15189 QMS incorporates quality and competence requirements of ISO9001:2008 and ISO/IEC17025:2005 to address the particular needs of medical laboratories. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand the concepts and practical applications of the requirements, and implement them to their laboratories in attaining continual quality improvement in testing services. The information and technical skills provided will be useful to those who are involved in accreditation and quality improvement of their medical laboratories. HK$2,550 6 weeks English Internal Audit of ISO 15189:2012 Laboratory Quality Management Standard Programme Code: LMLS9013 S Application Code: 2060-1127NW 2520 4618 rosie.so@hkuspace.hku.hk This course, intended for potential internal auditors and laboratory supervisors, incorporates requirements of the ISO15189 standard and auditing knowledge and skills; provides guidance to participants in establishing and maintaining internal audit procedures in the laboratory. It also facilitates clinical laboratories to self-assess their quality compliance status through gap analysis prior to accreditation assessment. Medical Laboratory managers, supervisors and those who are involved in laboratory management and quality planning will benefit by attending this course. HK$2,650 6 weeks English Fundamental VenipunctureTechniques for Phlebotomists Programme Code: SC396A HK Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Application Code: 2050-SC396A 2975 5698 phs.li@hkuspace.hku.hk 抽取血液樣本作為疾病診斷及身體健康檢查,已成為醫護界日常工作中不可缺少的 部分。因此,負責抽血的人員必須深入認識正確的抽血理論與技術,及如何對受檢 者提供優質服務,以確保抽取適當血液樣本予化驗室使用及如何避免意外受針刺之 傷害。 (1) 受僱於醫務化驗室或從事抽血有關的工作;及 (2) 中學會考生物或人類生物科目合格 或 完成香港大學專業進修學院的「人體循環系統簡 介課程」。 如未能符合上述資格者,必須修讀「人體循環系統簡介」課程。 HK$2,450 3日 人體循環系統簡介 課程編號:LMLS9014 報名代碼:2055-1008NW 2975 5698 phs.li@hkuspace.hku.hk 本課程主要為未具足夠人體循環系統基本知識的學員而設,完成此課程使學員更能 掌握往後《抽血員基本靜脈穿刺技術》導師所授的內容。 HK$950 2日 Chinese 食物衛生安全課程 - 飲食業經理基本課程 課程編號:GESC9014 2975 5697 winnie.sww.choi@hkuspace.hku.hk 為配合政府的認可衛生管理計劃,學院舉辦此基礎食物衛生課程,為在職及未來食 肆衛生經理講解食物衛生的安全原則及運作模式。實踐課程所學知識,不但可為顧 客提供安全食物,更可藉此恢復並提高社會對食肆的信心。成功修畢此課程的學員 將獲香港大學專業進修學院頒發的「基本飲食業衛生經理證書」。 本課程適合現職食物從業員,或有意投身飲食業管理的人士進修。 HK$1,600 3個星期 粵語