HKU SPACE 2023 Spring Prospectus

This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 222 Languages 語言 Other Languages 其他語言 Beginners’ Arabic Programme Code: OEUR9018 S 2975 5681 This course is designed to cater for complete beginners of Arabic. The course will offer students a first taste of the language, with a focus on oral communication and basic grammar. The students will practise the language in an interactive way whilst at the same time learning a little about the culture of the Arabic-speaking world. The course is not exam-based. No previous knowledge of Arabic required, though applicants should be competent in English. HK$3,650 10 weeks Arabic supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation. Beginners’ Arabic 2 Programme Code: OEUR9019 S 2975 5681 This course continues on from Beginners´ Arabic. It uses the latest communicative methodology, giving participants plenty of opportunities to listen to and speak the language whilst improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation at the same time. The Topics include directions around town, transport, talking about food, time, daily routines and family. The students will keep practising the language in an interactive way and learn about the culture of the Arabic-speaking world in a relaxed and supportive learning environment. - Applicants should have completed Beginners Arabic at HKU SPACE OR studied around 30 hours of Arabic in any institution and provide a Certificate/ Statement of Attendance to demonstrate this. - In the absence of such evidence, external applicants should contact us for further information. Some students may be interviewed to determine their proficiency level. HK$3,650 10 weeks Arabic supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation. 泰語(1) 課程編號:THAI9001 S 3762 0820 泰國地理上與中國接近,中泰兩國人民一直友好相處,往來頻繁。 泰國近年經濟發展蓬勃,受到國際注目,更成為各國人士旅遊觀光 的熱門地點。本課程為對泰國語言及文化感興趣的人士提供進修機 會,並由精通廣東話的泰籍導師教授。 HK$3,400 課程資訊 45小時 泰語(2) 課程編號:THAI9002 S 3762 0820 泰國地理上與中國接近,中泰兩國人民一直友好相處,往來頻繁。泰國近年經濟發 展蓬勃,受到國際注目,更成為各國人士旅遊觀光的熱門地點。本院開設泰語課程 為對泰國語言及文化感興趣的人士提供進修機會,並由精通廣東話的泰籍導師教 授。在課堂上由導師派發教材。本課程為「泰語(1)」的延續課程,歡迎曾經修讀泰 語45小時的人士報讀。 HK$3,500 45小時 泰語(3) 課程編號:THAI9003 S 3762 0820 泰國地理上與中國接近,中泰兩國人民一直友好相處,往來頻繁。泰國近年經濟發 展蓬勃,受到國際注目,更成為各國人士旅遊觀光的熱門地點。因此,本院開設泰 語入門課程,為對泰國語言及文化感興趣的人士提供進修機會。本課程由精通廣東 話的泰籍導師教授。在課堂中由導師派發教材。本課程為「泰語(2)」的延續課程, 歡迎曾經修讀泰語90小時的人士報讀。 HK$3,600 45小時 亞洲語言網上課程系列 課程資訊 隨著網上教學日益普及,本院為配合不同學員的需要,特別開 辦這100%在網上進行的語言學習,讓有興趣的學員多一個學 習平台。 亞洲語言網上課程系列現主要有日語、韓語、泰語及普通話, 透過學院的SOUL2.0網上學習系統,以全網上形式教學。 網上泰語 1 課程編號:THAI9005 S 本課程教學生閱讀,書寫和發音泰語元音,輔音(縮寫)和音調,以及泰語編號 及其在日常生活中的常用文法。 HK$3,300 共18講,45小時 網上泰語 2 課程編號:THAI9006 S 本課程教學生閱讀,書寫和發音泰語元音,輔音(縮寫)和音調,以及泰語編號 及其在日常生活中的常用文法。 HK$3,400 共18講,45小時 網上泰語 3 課程編號:THAI9007 S 本課程教學生閱讀,書寫和發音泰語元音,輔音(縮寫)和音調,以及泰語編號 及其在日常生活中的常用文法。學員將學習基本的對話,如一般問候,自我介 紹,簡單的價格,購物中的討價還價,食物點餐及問路等。 HK$3,500 共18講,45小時 網上泰語 4 課程編號:THAI9008 S 本課程為100%網上教學。課程教學生閱讀,書寫和發音泰語元音,輔音(縮 寫)和音調,以及泰語編號及其在日常生活中的常用文法。學員將學習基本的對 話,如一般問候,自我介紹,簡單的價格, 購物中的討價還價,食物點餐及問 路等。 HK$3,600 共18講,45小時 3762 0820