The Colleges 學院 026 The Colleges 學院 College of Business and Finance The College of Business and Finance (CBF) aims to become a leading provider of Business Education for lifelong learners in Hong Kong. It strives to provide learning opportunities for the younger generation to become future business leaders. The College of Business and Finance is committed to “Inspiring Your Future” through a diversity of programmes. There are programmes of different levels and durations that can help your future development, Including Accounting and Risk Management, FinTech, AML (AntiMoney Laundering), Cryptocurrency, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Innovation and Business Technology, Investment and Family Office, Management and Human Capital Leadership, Marketing and Branding, Supply Chain Management, and Workplace Psychology and Digi tal Transformation etc. In terms of academic level, the College has various Postgraduate Diploma programmes wi th innovat ive and pract ice-or iented curricula to meet the needs of working professionals, and Master programmes of renowned universities that excel in specific areas. For undergraduate studies, we provide niche and up-to-date Advanced Diplomas and top-up Bachelor programmes. The College works closely with various professional bodies in accounting, insurance, etc. to facilitate students to obtain professional qualifications and recognition. Besides academic programmes, we have short courses and workshops on career advancement for a quick visit to front-tier knowledge and development in specific areas. The College also cares about the life enrichment desires of businessmen by offering courses on diamond grading, high horology, wine tasting and business etiquette, etc. 金融商業學院 金融商業學院矢志成為香港首屈一指、專門為終身學習者而設的商 業學教育機構,致力為年輕一代提供學習機會,培養他們成為未來 的商業領袖。 金融商業學院致力透過提供多元化的課程「啟發你的未來」 (“Inspiring Your Future”)。學院提供不同程度、長期與短期課程, 包括會計及風險管理、金融科技、反洗錢監管、加密貨幣、ESG (環境,社會及管治)、款客、旅遊及活動、創新及商業科技、投資 及家族辦公室、管理及人力資本領導力、市場營銷與品牌管理、 供應鏈管理、以及職場心理學及數碼轉型等。幫助學員發展才能、 規劃未來。 在研究生及碩士課程方面,我們有針對不同範疇的深造文憑,賦以 既創新又實用的課程內容,並與在該行業表現特別優秀的世界知名 大學合辦碩士課程,滿足專業人士進修高等學位的需要。學院亦同 時提供獨特及新穎的高級文憑和大學學位銜接課程。我們與多個專 業團體如會計,保險協會等有密切合作,開辦協助學員取得專業資 格及認可的課程。 在學術課程之外,學院亦有舉辦短期課程及工作坊,讓學員能在短 時間內學習特定範疇的最新知識及發展。此外,學院亦照顧到商務 人員充實人生、提升品味的需要,並為他們提供鑽石評級、高級鐘 錶學、品酒及商務禮節等課程。