HKU SPACE 2023 Spring Prospectus

261 Full-time Programmes, Centres and Other Professional Activities 全日制課程、中心及其他專業活動 The HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) was established in 2005, under a Joint Venture Agreement between the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) and Po Leung Kuk (PLK), with the aim of providing high quality tertiary education opportunities. Since its inception, the College has developed into a well-accepted institution providing quality subdegree education. HPSHCC currently offers 18 sub-degree programmes leading to awards within The University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE. The College has over 13,800 graduates, and in recent years more than 70% of its graduates successfully articulated to undergraduate studies. Riding on the proven success and accomplishments in the past years, the College embarked on a milestone development in 2021 — the pursuit of academic accreditation. A fruitful result has been achieved: The College is developed as an awarding body of academic qualifications at the sub-degree level i.e. HKQF Level 4. Starting from the 2022/23 academic year, the College has first launched two Higher Diploma programmes leading to HPSHCC awards. The two new programmes, namely Higher Diploma in Applied Health and Rehabilitation Care and Higher Diploma in Applied Intelligent Technologies, are accredi ted by the Hong Kong Counci l for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). 在2005年,香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)與保良局合辦香港大學 專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院(HPSHCC),致力提供優質的專上 教育。成立至今,書院已發展為廣獲認受的社區書院,為中學畢業生提供 優秀的副學位課程,提升學生學術水平。 書院現時開辦18項副學位課程,成功修畢副學士或高級文憑課程的學 生,均按香港大學體制,經HKU SPACE頒授副學位,學歷獲廣泛認可。 書院成立以來,已有超過13,800名畢業生,而近年更有逾七成畢業生成功 升讀學士學位課程,達成他們的升學夢想。 憑著過往多年的發展與成就,書院於2021年12月成功通過香港學術及職 業資歷評審局的審核,成為具有頒授副學位資格的專上學院,為書院將來 持續發展奠下重要的里程碑。於2022/23學年,書院首先開辦兩項全新的 高級文憑課程:應用健康及康復護理,及應用智能科技。兩項課程均獲資 歷架構認可,達第四級別,畢業生可獲香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻 燊社區書院直接頒授副學位。 Programmes offered in 2023/24: 2023/24學年開辦的課程: Associate Degree Programmes 副學士課程(2-year兩年制) Applied Social Sciences應用社會科學 – Communication, Public Relations and Journalism 傳理、公關及新聞 – Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement 刑事司法及執法 – Psychology 心理學 – Youth and Social Services 青年與社會服務 Higher Diploma Programmes 高級文憑課程(2-year兩年制) Business 商業學 – Accounting 會計學 In Year 2, students will choose one of the following study themes: 同學於二年級時,可選擇下列其中一個專修主題: • Accounting Studies 會計學 • Accounting and Banking 會計及銀行學 • Accounting and Financial Planning 會計及財務策劃學 – Business Management 商業管理學 In Year 2, students will choose one of the following study themes: 同學於二年級時,可選擇下列其中一個專修主題: • Management Studies 管理學 • Management and Psychology 管理及心理學 • Human Resource Management 人力資源管理學 • Management with Business Law 管理及商業法律學 • Management and e-Commerce 管理及電子商務學 Food & Nutrition 食品及營養 SSSDP – Food Health and Business Management 食品健康及商業管理學* – Nutrition and Food Management 營養及食品管理* The programme allows students to specialise in one of the following themes: 同學可選擇修讀以下一個專修主題: • Food and Nutritional Sciences 食物及營養科學 • Food Science and Safety 食物科學及食品安全 Health & Health Care 護理及保健 – Applied Health and Rehabilitation Care 應用健康及康復護理 – Health and Social Care 社康照顧* SSSDP – Medical and Health Products Management 醫療及保健產品管理* SSSDP Hotel, Tourism & Hospitality 酒店、旅遊及款待 SSSDP – Hotel Management 酒店管理* – Tourism and Events Management 旅遊、會展及節目管理* – Tourism and Hospitality Management 旅遊及酒店管理* Legal Studies 法律學 – Legal Executives 法律行政人員 Real Estate 房地產 – Surveying and Property Management 測量及物業管理 Information Technology 資訊科技 – Applied Intelligent Technologies 應用智能科技 Sport & Recreation 體育及康樂 SSSDP – Sport Coaching and Sport Performance 運動教練學及運動表現* – Sport and Recreation Management 體育及康樂管理* Diploma in Foundation Studies Programme 基礎專上教育文憑課程 (1-year一年制) For programme details, please visit our College website. 有關課程詳盡資料,請瀏覽書院網頁。 * The programme is subsidised under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). Local students enroll and being offered the subsidised places will pay a reduced tuition fee net of subsidy. Details can be found on our College website. * 課程已獲納入「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」(SSSDP),獲資助的本地學生每 年只需繳交扣除資助後的學費。詳情請瀏覽書院網頁。 Full-time Programmes 全日制課程 3923 7000 3923 7111 hpshcc hpshccig 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道66號