The Colleges 學院 027 The Colleges 學院 College of Humanities and Law The College of Humanities and Law is characterised by the diversity of its subject disciplines and the breadth of its course provision. It offers courses at various QF levels in the areas of Culture, Arts and Design; Oriental Studies; English and European Languages; Social Sciences; Housing, Transport and Built Environment as well as Law to serve the needs of the economy, the community and individual learners. The College offers a large number of award bearing programmes that are well recognised by professional bodies and have facilitated career development for thousands of their graduates. To name a few, they include Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies, Professional Diploma in Housing Management, Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management and Professional Diploma in Architectural Studies. The College of Humanities and Law is also the largest provider of short courses in the School, particularly in the areas of languages (including Japanese, Korean, Thai, Putonghua, Cantonese, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish etc) and personal interest / development (including Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Music, Dance, Culture, Philosophy and Design). Many of them are long standing courses that have been offered for over half a century and have played an important role in enriching the life of many in the past years. Through balancing humani t ies concern wi th human capi tal requirements, the College encourages individuals to enhance their quality of the life through lifelong learning. The College seeks to meet the needs of the labour market of Hong Kong and to enhance intellectual development, social and emotional intelligence, and aesthetic understanding of individual learners. In a nutshell, the mission of the College is “Learning to Be as well as Learning to Do” ( 學以致用、學以為人). 人文及法律學院 人文及法律學院涵蓋的學術領域繁富多姿,包括文化、藝術及設 計、東方語言及研究、英語及歐洲語言、社會科學、房屋、運輸及 建造環境和法律,並開設多種不同資歷架構級別的課程,以應經 濟、社會之轉型與學生的需求。 學院提供大量學銜頒授課程,課程廣受專業團體認可,幫助無數 畢業生開展事業。學院旗下出色的課程不計其數,當中包括法律學 證書/文憑/高等文憑、房屋管理專業文憑、物流及運輸管理專業文 憑及建築學專業文憑。人文及法律學院也是香港大學專業進修學院 內最大的短期課程提供者,尤精於語文(包括日語、韓語、泰語、普 通話、廣東話、英語、德語、意大利文、法語、西班牙語等)及個人 興趣/發展(包括中文書法、中國畫、音樂、舞蹈、文化、哲學和設 計)。不少課程更有超過50年的歷史,豐富了無數人的生命。 學院鼓勵學生透過終身學習以提升生活質素,在人文考量和人力資 本的需求下取得巧妙平衡。我們致力滿足香港勞工市場的需求,同 時積極提升學生的學術修養、社交能力、情緒管理和審美眼光。 學院以「學以致用,學以為人」為使命,服務社會,貢獻社會。