HKU SPACE 2023 Spring Prospectus

General Notes to Applicants 一般注意事項 Notes to Non-local Applicants 非本地申請人注意事項 Declaration 聲明 1. Enrolment can be done in person at any of the School's Enrolment Centres by completing this application form and submitting it with the appropriate fee and relevant documents. You can also mail to the “HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Room 304, 3/F, T. T. Tsui Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong”, specifying “Programme/Course Application”. 2. Fees paid by crossed cheque or bank draft should be made payable to “HKU SPACE”. 3. If the programme/course is starting within five working days, application by post is not recommended to avoid any delays. Applicants are advised to enrol in person at HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres and avoid making cheque payment under this circumstance. 4. If admission is on a first come, first served basis and if you do not hear from us before the course starts, you may assume that your application has been accepted, and should attend the course as scheduled. 5. If admission is by selection, the official receipt is not a guarantee that your application has been accepted. We will inform you of the result as soon as possible after the closing date for application. Unsuccessful applicants will be given a refund of programme/course fee if already paid. 6. If you are applying to / have enrolled for more than one programme/course with HKU SPACE, please check to ensure that there are no scheduling conflicts before submitting your application form. 7. If you do not know the teaching venue within 3 days of the starting date of the course, please check with the relevant programme team. 8. Course fees paid are not refundable except as statutorily provided or under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment). 9. Please refer to the HKU SPACE Prospectus and the official website for full details of enrolment procedures for HKU SPACE Programmes. 1. 報讀課程,請親往學院各報名中心,呈交填妥的報名表格、學費和所需的證明文件,或以郵遞方式,寄「香港薄扶林道香港大學徐展堂樓 3 樓 304 室香港大學專業進修學院」 並註明「報讀課程」。 2. 如以劃線支票或銀行本票付款,抬頭請書名「香港大學專業進修學院」。 3. 如報讀課程將在五個工作天內開課,為免郵遞延誤報名程序,建議申請人親身到學院報名中心報名,並避免使用支票付款。 4. 以「先到先得」方式獲取錄的學生,可自行依照課程手冊或學院網頁所列的時間到有關地點上課。除特殊情況外,學院將不作另行通告。 5. 如須甄選入學,則正式收據並不可作為 閣下已獲取錄的證明。學院將在截止報名日期後儘快通知申請者是否獲得取錄。落選的申請人將獲退還已繳交的學費。 6. 如打算/已經在學院報讀多於一個課程或以上,請細閱各個課程的上課時間地點,以免上課時間重疊。 7. 如在開課前三天仍未知悉上課地點,請與課程組聯絡。 8. 除特殊情況(例如課程因報名人數不足而被取消)及法例規定外,一切已繳費用,概不退還。 9. 有關香港大學專業進修學院的入學程序及詳情,請參閱香港大學專業進修學院的課程手冊及官方網頁。 To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up full-time and part-time studies. Non-local applicants issued with a valid employment visa also do not need prior approval to pursue part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to a HKU SPACE academic programme/course does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes except for self-financed, part-time locally accredited taught postgraduate programmes awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE. 非本地申請人必須持有由香港特區政府入境事務處所簽發的學生簽證方可入讀本院,申請人入學前須辦妥有關手續。惟以受養人士身分獲批准來港者,毋須經事先批准,可修讀全 日制及兼讀制課程。而獲發有效工作簽證之非本地申請人毋須事前批准,亦可修讀兼讀制課程。獲香港大學專業進修學院課程取錄並不代表能成功獲發有關學生簽證。除自資並經 本地評審,而有關學銜按香港大學體制,經香港大學專業進修學院頒發的兼讀制深造修讀課程外,兼讀制課程暫不在入境處考慮批發簽證之列。 1. I declare that all information given in this application form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. 2. I authorise the School to obtain, and the relevant authorities to release, any information about my qualifications and/or employment as required for my application. 3. I consent that if registered, I will conform to the Statutes and Regulations of the University and the rules of the School. 4. I have noted, understood and agree to the contents of the above notes, Statement on Collection of Personal Data and HKU SPACE policy on personal data (privacy). 1. 本人聲明本申請表及隨附文件所載一切資料,依本人所知均屬正確,並無遺漏。 2. 本人授權香港大學專業進修學院向相關機構查閱有關本人申請課程所列出的學歷及專業資格。 3. 本人同意如本人註冊入學,當遵守大學及學院的規例。 4. 本人已細閱、明白並同意以上注意事項、收集個人資料聲明及有關香港大學專業進修學院在處理個人資料(私隱)的守則。 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 Signature 簽署 Date 日期 HKU SPACE Vaccine Pass 香港大學專業進修學院「疫苗通行證」 To minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission in learning centres and offices and to keep the HKU SPACE community safe, access to the HKU campus or HKU SPACE premises will need to comply with the tightened measures in line with the University. Please refer to details on implementation on our Website/Learner Portal and please do note that there may be further updates from time to time to take account of possible changes in the Government guidelines and University arrangements. 為防範及控制2019冠狀病毒病的傳播以及保障學院學員及員工的安全,進入香港大學校園或香港大學專業進修學院處所,皆須遵從與香港大學一致的收緊防疫措施,請密切 留意學院網頁及學員網站公佈的具體細節,並須留意有關運作可能不時跟隨政府及大學的安排而作調整。 Class arrangement during COVID-19 新型冠狀病毒影響下的課堂安排 The COVID-19 situation may still be fluid and constantly affect class arrangements in the coming months. The health and safety of our students will always be our top priority. To ensure that students' academic progress is not affected, the School may substitute face-to-face classes with online teaching if necessary in the event that faceto-face classes cannot be held. Our respective Programme Teams will contact the students concerned with details of such arrangements as necessary. 在新型冠狀病毒疫情不穩定的狀態下,未來數月可能持續影響我們的課堂安排。學院一向以學員的健康及個人安全為首要考慮,為確保學生的學習進度不受影響,學院有可能 需要按有關指引將面授課堂改為網上授課。如出現此等情況,課程組別同事將會儘快聯絡學員有關安排的詳情。 P.4