006 About the School 有關學院 External Quality Assurance The University Grants Committee, via its Quality Assurance Council, carries out a comprehensive review of the University’s provision on a regular basis. The most recent report (published in February 2019) commended the School’s excellent governance and management policies and procedures, its comprehensive and effective QA processes, the committed, professional and enthusiastic staff as well as student satisfaction on their learning experience. The University also reviewed HKU SPACE in late 2019 and commended its supplementary and complementary role in delivering the University Mission in providing lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community. An International Quality Review in 2021 concluded that HKU SPACE met all the ten European standards for quality. This was formally recognised by the German Quality Agency, ASIIN, in July 2022. 外部質素保證 大學教育資助委員會轄下的質素保證局定期就大學的課程質素進行全面的評 核。其最近發表的報告(2019年2月)高度讚揚學院不僅具備完善的管理政策 及程序,且質素保證制度全面及有效,並嘉許教學人員盡心竭力、熱誠投入 的專業精神,學員對學習體驗亦感到非常滿意。此外,香港大學於2019年年 底亦對學院進行了全面檢討,並讚揚學院能夠有效補充香港大學為社會提供 終身學習使命的角色。而於2021年進行的國際學術質素評審結果亦顯示,學 院全面達到歐洲學術質素標準,並於2022年7月獲得德國認證機構ASIIN(工 程、信息科學、自然科學和數學專業認證機構)的官方認證。 Communication and feedback from teachers and learners HKU SPACE views effective communication with its community as one of its top priorities. Feedback from students and teachers is highly valued and plays an important role in the process of monitoring as well as improving the quality of the programmes and services offered by the School. There are various formal and informal means of communication for students and teachers to channel their feedback to the School and to assist in the quality assurance process. All cases are handled in strict confidence and dealt with sensitively. 教與學更緊密溝通 學員及導師的反饋是有效監察、確保課程質素及完善服務不可或缺的,亦是 學院最珍視的一環。學院提供多條反映意見的渠道,以助學院精益求精,而 所有個案均保密處理。 Organisation of the School The University manages the affairs of the School through a non-profit-making company limited by guarantee which has a Board of Directors that draws its members from the University itself and from the wider community. The School’s academic programmes are monitored by the University Senate through the Board for Continuing and Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. Internally, the School has a Collegiate organisation. The wide range of part-time courses offered at all academic levels are organised under 23 subject groups allocated among three Colleges: of Business and Finance (CBF), Humanities and Law (CHL) and Life Sciences and Technology (CLST). These three colleges also offer full-time overseas degree courses. All the Colleges offer award bearing programmes as well as non-award bearing programmes (including Executive Certificates and Diplomas). The HKU SPACE Senior Executive Academy (SEA) focuses on Executive Education. The Institute for China Business (ICB) has five centres through which it coordinates the School’s programmes offered in Mainland China. The Community College (CC) is responsible for full-time subdegree courses. The HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) is a joint venture with a leading charitable association, Po Leung Kuk and also offers full time sub-degree courses. 學院管治架構 香港大學專業進修學院為非牟利擔保有限公司,直屬於香港大學,並由大學 授權學院董事局處理學院事務。學院董事局成員包括大學代表及社會人士。 學院課程的制定、批核及監察,則由香港大學教務委員會透過持續專業教育 及終生學習委員會負責。學院提供涵蓋23種不同學科、不同程度的兼讀制課 程及全日制本地及海外學位課程,分別由金融商業學院、人文及法律學院與 生命科學及科技學院主理。所有學院均有開辦學銜與非學銜頒授課程(包括 行政人員證書和文憑)。HKU SPACE Senior Executive Academy (SEA) 致力 提供行政人員專業課程。在中國內地,學院透過中國商業學院的五所教學中 心開辦不同商業課程。香港大學附屬學院則提供全日制副學位課程。此外, 學院與慈善機構保良局合辦的香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院 亦有提供全日制副學位課程。 Taking the School to the community HKU SPACE has a long history of locating its teaching and learning facilities at convenient downtown centres so as to better serve the community. Its flagship location is in the Admiralty area where it has premises in the Admiralty Centre (2/F and 3/F) and United Centre (6/F). The School also uses its Community College campus at Kowloon Bay and the HPSHCC Campus at Causeway Bay for both full-time and part-time students. A new campus in Kowloon West (NCB Innovation Centre, 888 Lai Chi Kok Road) will be opening with advanced classrooms and learning facilities in early 2023. Additionally, there is the Island East Campus in North Point as well as the Fortress Tower Learning Centre. The University’s Main Campus facilities are also available for evening classes. The Island South Campus in Pokfulam is a centre for Innovation and Technology. 走進社區 學院的教學中心,位處社區樞紐地段,除金鐘海富中心二及三樓、統一中心 六樓外,位於九龍灣的港大附屬學院和銅鑼灣的港大保良何鴻燊社區書院 校舍,亦可供全日制和兼讀制學生使用。全新的西九龍教學中心(位於荔枝 角道888號的南商金融創新中心)設有先進的課室及學習設施,將於2023年 初正式啟用。 學院另於北角設有港島東分校及北角城教學中心,香港大學本部設施亦可供 學院晚間課程使用。位於薄扶林的港島南教學中心為創新及科技中心。 Global perspective HKU SPACE collaborates with a wide range of academic and professional institutions globally (in the UK, Australia, the USA, Mainland China) and in Hong Kong. The School will continue to explore opportunities for further cooperation with reputable institutions, both local and overseas, in order to offer a greater variety of high quality and relevant programmes to students. In Mainland China, via ICB, HKU SPACE offers training programmes for professionals and senior executives in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu through a diverse range of professional and senior-executive level programmes with an emphasis on different business and management disciplines. 國際協作 學院與世界各地包括英國、澳洲、美國、中國內地和本港多所學術及專業機 構合作。未來學院會進一步開拓與其他本地及海內外知名學府的合作機會, 以發展更多元、更切合學員需要的優質課程。學院亦透過中國商業學院, 於廣州、北京、上海、深圳及成都,開辦多個具專業及高層領導程度的商業 及管理學課程。 Future development HKU SPACE will strive to maintain its leading role in continuing education in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. It acts as an extension arm of the University to deliver HKU’s mission and role in providing lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community. 展望未來 學院將致力保持於香港、中國內地,以至亞太地區持續教育界的領導地位, 繼續秉承大學的理念,為社會各界提供優質的終身學習機會。