080 Architecture, Environment & Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 Heritage Conservation & Management 文化遺產保育及管理 香港考古學導論 課程編號:ARCH9072 S 3762 0072 paula.lee@hkuspace.hku.hk 本課程可讓學員初步了解考古學基礎理論及方法、田野考古調查、香港考古發現及 詮釋、香港文化遺產法規等課題。希望學員通過課堂學習及田野考古調查,能掌握 考古學基本知識及瞭解香港考古分期及重要出土文物之文化意義。 HK$3,950 36小時 文化遺產保育導論 課程編號:ARCH9031 3762 0072 paula.lee@hkuspace.hku.hk 文化保育、集體回憶都是近年市民常接觸的話題,文化遺產愈來愈受到社會重視。 這課程由從事本地文化遺產保育專業人員帶領,導引學員有系統地認知及學習文化 遺產管理相關的初階知識。 HK$6,480 38小時 Housing & Property 房屋及地產 Master of Science in Project Management International Programme Code: HB020A Application Code: 2070-HB020A This programme is designed for global-thinking built environment professionals to further develope their management and economic capabilities in the construction industry. For details, please refer to the common information below. Master of Science in Real Estate Programme Code: HB019A Application Code: 2070-HB019A This programme is aimed at extending students knowledge in financial and professional competency in property development and investment. For details, please refer to the common information below. Master of Science in Facilities Management Programme Code: HB009A Application Code: 2070-HB009A This programme is aimed at developing professional ski l ls to manage facilities that allow people and organizations to operate effectively in the work environment. For details, please refer to the common information below. The University of Greenwich, UK 2508 8869 tommy.ng@hkuspace.hku.hk Applicants are expected to possess a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university, equivalent to a UK university 2:1 grade classification undergraduate degree. Applicants who are members of an appropriate professional body and have appropriate professional experience may also be considered on an individual basis. All applicants will be expected to demonstrate a proficiency in English such as IELTS with a minimum average score of 6.0 or TOEFL with a minimum score of 550; applicants who do not satisfy the minimum English proficiency requirement may be required to attend an interview or take an English enhancement course. This requirement will not apply to applicants who hold a qualification studied in English at an appropriate level. Programme Fee: GBP1,477 per course X 8 courses Registration Fee: HK$1,200 Application Fee: HK$200 2 years to 6 years Professional Diploma in HousingManagement Programme Code: HB001A Application Code: 2145-HB001A 2508 8819 / 2508 8820 / 2508 8805 pdhmenquiry@hkuspace.hku.hk The programme provides a professional qualification in housing management. It provides a firm grounding in the theory and practice of housing management. The standard and content of the programme and its examination are designed to be the equivalent of the Professional Qualification of the Chartered Institute of Housing, Asian Pacific Branch and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing. • Specified Academic Qualification for PMP (Tier 1) Licence by the PMSA • Accredited Course by CIHAPB as Chartered Member • Accredited Course by HKIH as Full Member For entry to Year 1, applicants shall: (i) have satisfied the minimum University entrance requirement; or (ii) hold a post-secondary diploma awarded by a post secondary institution; or (iii) hold a Certificate in Property Management (previously known as Advanced Certificate in Property Management) with grade C in 3 or more modules, awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE. * For direct entry to Year 2, applicants shall: (i) hold a recognized degree; or (ii) hold the Property Management Practitioner (PMP) Licence, (Tier 2) under Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) Applicants with other qualifications or 5 years of relevant work experience, including 2 years at the managerial level in the industry will be considered on individual merit. Individual applicant(s) may be required to take an English written test /or attend an interview as appropriate. * Subject to the final decision by the Admission Committee. For 2023/2024 course fee: Year 1: HK$28,800; Year 2: HK$39,600; Year 3: HK$39,600 Block Course: HK$4,670 (For candidates directly entered into Year 2, they need to pay the Block Course fee.) Application Fee: HK$200 2 or 3 years English More details Level 5 (Reg. No.: 12/000876/5) Validity Period: 01 Sep 2012 - on-going