009 HKU SPACE has undergone an International Quality Review (IQR) against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in October 2021. The report shows that the School has ful lled all 10 ESG criteria, and is praised by the panel that “HKU SPACE presents a well-articulated and compelling Vision, Mission and Values Statement (VMV)” and “its societal relevance cannot be underestimated and has to be highly commended”. Finally the Panel concluded the HKU SPACE has a strong base to build on and promising potential of further developing into a World Class Centre of Excellence in Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning and Transnational Education. HKU SPACE has fully achieved the European Standards for Quality and is recognised as having world-class quality in professional and continuing education. Trust in us as your lifelong learning partner! 學院於2021年10月參照歐洲高等教育區質素 保證標準及指引(ESG – the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area)而進行 的國際學術質素評審(International Quality Review)經已圓滿完成。評審結果顯示,學 院完全符合全部共十個ESG評審範疇;評審小 組亦讚揚「學院展現了清晰有力的願景、使命 和信念」,「其與社會的聯繫不容忽視,值得 高度表揚」。評審小組總結認為學院具備穩健 根基和深遠潛力,可望進一步於持續教育、終 身學習和跨國教育的領域成為領導國際的優質 學府。 香港大學專業進修學院 全面達到歐洲學術質素標準 HKU SPACE has fully achieved the European Standards for Quality 3,200,000 332,000 1,048 2021 / 2022 23,480 16,862 606,000 2021 / 2022 Panel c 院完全符合全部共十個ESG評審範疇;評審小 Facts and Figures 資料概況 International Recognition 國際認可