Newsletter Issue No. 78

10 2022 校友週活動巡禮 The Event Brief of Alumni Week 2022 「疫後有出路 — 備戰第四季及明年全球股災、衰退策略」於 11 月 8 日 舉行,由東驥基金管理有限公司董事總經理龐寶林先生擔任主講嘉賓。 鑑於全球經濟現正處於五合一危機(包括歐美及新興市場衰退、滯脹和 通脹風險、俄烏戰事、中美日台紛爭、新冠肺炎疫情),較過去任何一 次股災更錯綜複雜。龐先生從宏觀和微觀層面為校友深入分析,該如何 部署投資策略及管理投資風險,與大家一起備戰全球股災。 The “Global Economic Prospect for 2023” talk was given on 8 November by the keynote speaker, Mr Paul Pong Po-lam, Managing Director of Pegasus Fund Managers Limited. Given that the global economy is now encountering the “5 in 1 Crisis” - including the Global Recession in Europe, the US and Emerging Markets, stagflation and inflation risks, the Russia-Ukraine war, disputes between China, the US, Japan and Taiwan, and the COVID-19 epidemic. There are more complications than in any stock market crash in the past. Mr Pong gave an in-depth analysis for alumni from both the macro and micro levels, shared tips on how to deploy investment strategies and manage risk factors in this current global stock market crash. 有機構指出,每七位香港人就有一位會經歷常見的心理或情緒問題, 但大部分人並不察覺,以致沒有尋求專業醫生的協助,結果導致情緒 爆煲才意識到問題的嚴重性。 在 11 月 18 日的「正面處理情緒:都市人精神健康急救竅門」講座中, 精神科專科醫生陳嘉璐為校友分析都市人的情緒問題,講解紓緩壓 力和正面應對心理健康的方法,鼓勵大家培養正向情緒。 An estimated 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong experience a common mental disorder at any given time. Most of them may not realise or seek professional help. However, prevention and treatment are essential for mental health before it is too late. In the “Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health” talk, held on 18 November, Dr Sylvia Chen Chia-lu, a psychiatrist, analysed the emotional problems of urbanites, giving tips on how to manage negative emotions and stress, and encouraging everyone to cultivate positive emotions. 展望 2023 全球經濟 Outlook of The Global Economy in 2023 關心情緒健康 Taking Care of Mental Health 2022 年「校友週」已於 11月圓滿舉行。今年,學院舉辦三場講座, 邀得專家為校友分析熱門話題 — 股市及數碼資產的趨勢和部署 策略,並關注大眾於疫下的心理健康;東北地質深度遊則讓校友 走進大自然的懷抱,為身心充電。 2022 校友週 活動巡禮 The Event Brief of Alumni Week 2022