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5月 2019

Blockchain for Decentralized Renewable Energy Trading





2019年5月25日 (星期六)14:30 - 16:00 免費
香港銅鑼灣禮頓道66號, 港大保良何鴻燊社區書院 14 樓 1406 室
  • Mr. Alastair Marke
Mr. Alastair Marke

Mr. Alastair Marke

Alastair Marke FRSA FRGS is currently the Director-General of the Blockchain Climate Institute where he works with a number of governments and experts to deploy blockchain in achieving climate change goal. He is a co-drafter of the ISO 14097 climate finance standard and a UK representative on ISO TC307 blockchain use case and governance standard working groups. In the UK, Alastair chairs the Energy, Climate Change & Green Finance Committee of the British Blockchain Association; and serves as an ad hoc Expert Advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain. He is the editor and co-author of the world's first book on blockchain and climate change issues - "Transforming Climate Finance & Green Investment with Blockchains" released in July 2018.

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Today, the energy market trend is shifting towards a decentralised market where individuals, communities and small businesses across many parts of the world are entering the energy market as ‘prosumers’ – often for environmental as well as economic reasons. It is a trend highlighting the limits of the traditional energy policy of many governments. There are two critical problems still unresolved in the global energy market today, including the uni-directional grid design and a renewable energy finance gap. The guest lecture will introduce blockchain technology which is set to be an effective tool to address these problems with its three key features: distributed ledger, smart contracts and consensus algorithm. The use of complementary cryptocurrency for peer-to-peer energy trading at the community level could also address the blind spots of the feed-in tariff system prevailing in many countries.


Talk will be conducted in English.