最新消息 新聞稿
HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate three of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2023 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Banking and Finance BSc Business and Management For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonRELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE
This new office will be located at the same venue as our brand new Kowloon West Campus which will also soon be opening to the public providing new classrooms and learning facilities in the Kowloon West area from 2023 onwards. This new campus adds to the School’s various learning centres and further supports the School’s initiative...
更多 RELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCEHKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate two of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2022 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Economics and Finance For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonHKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee Shiu
Dr Lee was closely associated with HKU SPACE. He was conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of HKU SPACE in 2015 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the School and to the community. He served as a member of the HKU SPACE Community College Advisory Council (2002 – 2018). His passion for philanthropy was shown by his many generous...
更多 HKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee ShiuCongratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate our students who obtained First Class Honours from the University of London in 2019. 1 LLB 3 BSc Economics and Management 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of LondonNotice from the Director
The first priority of the School is to provide a high quality, safe and stimulating learning environment for all our students, full-time and part-time. This means that the classroom is a politically neutral space where participants leave behind their personal views and focus on the learning tasks in hand. I ask therefore that all students and teachers uphold this convention whilst in class so that all may give their uninterrupted attention to learning. Education is for all in a spirit of toleration and respect for each other, especially as we have a wide mix of individuals as our students.
更多 Notice from the DirectorCongratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018
We would like to congratulate the following students who studied the part-time and full-time supporting tuition courses at HKU SPACE and obtained 1st class honours. 2 LLB 1 BSc Accounting and Finance 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see http://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018-
- 日期
- 2020年12月17日 (星期四)
聖誕佳節普天同慶,縱然今年充滿挑戰,在社交距離下或未能大肆慶祝,但我們仍可透過電子賀卡,為親朋好友送上佳節祝福! HKU SPACE特意為您呈獻兩款精心設計的電子賀卡,讓您將暖暖心意一一送上! 願這個聖誕充滿平安、愛與祝福。 祝大家聖誕快樂,新年進步! 更多 聖誕電子賀卡現已登場
- 日期
- 2020年8月7日 (星期五)
申請程序 報名方法 可供報讀課程一覽表 1. E-APP(專上課程電子預先報名平台)(已截止) 應屆中學文憑試考生可透過 E-APP 遞交申請 (https://www.eapp.gov.hk)。 (不適用於報讀基礎專上教育文憑) 2. 網上報名 (於7月25日起開放) 立即申請 3. 8月13-14日招生日 網上申請 / 親身遞交(只供本地申請人遞交) 時間:上午9時30分至下午5時30分 重要日子 預先申請 遞交申請 (已截止) 面試2 ... 更多 港大附屬學院8月13-14日招生日
香港大學附屬學院推全新招生系統「雙軌入學通」 簡化報讀及入學程序 增加效率減少人群聚集
- 日期
- 2020年7月16日 (星期四)
中學文憑試放榜在即,過往部分應屆中學畢業生獲得成績通知書時,需東奔西走,親身到心儀院校報讀課程。香港大學附屬學院 (學院) 今年特別推出結合線上、線下模式的收生系統 ────「雙軌入學通」;是首間於7月上旬公佈推行雙軌入學方法的院校,讓同學可因應放榜當日情況,靈活選擇親身到校園或透過網上系統報名、面試及繳費。 「雙軌入學通」可以讓獲有條件取錄的申請人於放榜當日,透過短訊登入網上平台「iEnrol入學通」確認學位 (claim offer),為應屆中學畢業生提供方便、快捷及安全的一站式升學服務。因應疫情,學院今天 (7月16日) 更公佈一系列防疫措施,確保親身蒞臨校園的同學,可以在安全情況下辦理報讀及入學手續。 網上系統處理入學申請 增加效率 中學文憑試放榜日,應屆中學畢業生 ... 更多 香港大學附屬學院推全新招生系統「雙軌入學通」 簡化報讀及入學程序 增加效率減少人群聚集
- 日期
- 2020年6月1日 (星期一)
【香港 – 2020年6月1日】 香港大學專業進修學院連續第二年參與學生指標(Student Barometer)調查,表現持續獲得好評。2019年的調查結果顯示,本學院的整體學生滿意度達87.3% [1] ,與國際、亞洲及香港基準相若。此項調查由本學院在讀學生以自願形式參與,調查結果反映,本學院在提供優質教學體驗環境及提升學生支援服務等方面的持續努力,得到學生的普遍支持和肯定。 調查結果顯示: • 學習體驗方面, 與教學相關的11個項目中,有8項顯示本學院的表現高於國際基準,包括「授課質素」、「課程安排」、「對學習表現的意見回饋」、「學習支援」及「評核標準」; • 在個別調查 ... 更多 香港大學專業進修學院連續兩年在學生指標調查中獲高度評分
- 日期
- 2020年5月26日 (星期二)
新型冠狀病毒肆虐衝擊環球經濟,為全球各地帶來前所未有的挑戰。為應對香港疫情發展,香港大學專業進修學院採取了多項緊急應變措施,全力推行網上學習,將對學生及其學習進度的影響減至最低。同時,學院亦特別設立「學生支援計劃」,為全日制學生提供財政上援助及全職就業機會,盼攜手共渡時艱。 計劃內容包括: 為香港大學附屬學院及香港大學專業進修學院國際學院的學生設立獎學金; 向2019/20學年所有合資格的全日制學生發放一筆2,000港元的學習津貼,以支援同學提升上網數據計劃及購置所需的電腦配件; 提供全職工作機會予國際學院應屆畢業生。 香港大學專業進修學院院長李經文教授說:「我們一向以學生的福祉為先。在防疫期間,學生為應付全新的網上學習模式或需承擔額外開支。有見及此,學院特別向全日制學生提供 ... 更多 香港大學專業進修學院為全日制學生設立抗疫支援計劃