HKU SPACE News Express Dec 2020
Feature 專題報導 Upcoming Events 活動預告 Programmes 精選課程
Move up smartly in 2021

Move up smartly in 2021

As we look forward to 2021, we are all yearning for travel, family reunions, life event celebrations and freeing our faces from our masks. Although the COVID epidemic has disrupted all our lives and many of our plans for this year, it has also introduced waves of “new normal” to us. “New normal” itself is neutral, what matters is how we respond to it - stay positive, and turn the many challenges we face into opportunities. Our attitude can lead us forward, and even upwards with renewed hope for new prospectus.

If you are feeling frustrated at being stuck at home, why not take the chance to appreciate Dunhuang painting for some stress-free moments? If you have young children, you can enjoy board games and laughter hotchpotch while school classes are suspended. Working from home isn’t always convenient, but our schedules are often more flexible and we can live better quality lives. For example, we can make healthy snacks, practice Pilates or stretch more often to stay healthy. We can also learn Asian languages online or master RegTech, Blockchain and other trending skills to help us switch direction in our careers, or we can learn new ways that lead to greater wealth accumulation. All of these offer different ways to adapt to the new normal.

Over three million people have enrolled in HKU SPACE courses since the institution started, and today it has the largest offering of reimbursable Continuing Education Fund (CEF) Courses in Hong Kong, with more than 1,900 courses in 60 interest areas from business to the humanities, and technology to health sciences, so there is sure to be a course that’s right for you.

Our Spring Prospectus for 2021 is now available. Click HERE to download the e-version, or get a hard copy at any of our learning centres or distribution points.




HKU SPACE作爲全港最多持續進修基金(CEF)可發還款項課程的專上院校,提供逾1,900個CEF課程,涵蓋商業、人文、科技及健康科學等多達60個興趣範疇,這裡總有適合您的課程。自創校以來,報讀人次已逾300萬。最新一期春季課程手冊現已出版,歡迎按此下載電子版本,或可親臨各大教學中心派發點,免費索取。

More 詳情
Upcoming Events
Online Health Talks
Feb 20 HKU SPACE General English Day 2021
Accounting and Finance
Architecture, Environment & Housing
Business and Management
Full-time International Degree Programmes
Life & Health Sciences
Social Sciences

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