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Digital building design applications are becoming common design and management tools within the architecture and construction industries in Hong Kong.
With the rapid development in digital technology, new software are replacing the traditional way of designing and managing buildings; methods which are technology restrictive and costly in time and personnel.
We offer award-bearing and short courses in Building Information Modeling (BIM), as well as other digital building design software such as Rhinoceros to equip students with the knowledge and skill for application in design and management of buildings.
*Permission to use copyright image generously granted by BREAD studio
Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology is an innovative tool to generate intelligent three-dimensional digital representation of a building from its inception to construction then completion and beyond. It allows for the Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry’s stakeholders; developers, architects, engineers, consultants, contractors, and facility managers to simultaneously share, amend and access the building’s physical and functional information on a building project.
This programme is on the pre-approved list of the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)and is included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become the must-know vocabulary within the construction industry. This programme will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills of BIM application. The focus of the programme will be on the strategic and managerial side of this tool.
This programme is suitable for professionals who will have a need in planning, overseeing or managing a multi-discipline BIM team in their daily job. The programme will be delivered in the form of lectures, case studies and group exercises.
Nowadays, parametric modelling, as a means to design and explore complex architectural spaces, has become an essential tool in contemporary architecture practice. Nevertheless, due to its relative young age, there are still many practising design professionals whom have not had the opportunity to receive formal training on this technique.
The programme aims to teach the foundation and intermediate techniques of using Rhinoceros in the production of 3-D models using Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) geometry and make arrangement for export, annotation and plotting, as well as detailed explanation on and exploration of the NURBS topology and the practical application of efficient modeling techniques, modeling strategy and advanced surfacing.
Start To be advised
Duration 8 months
Fee HK$12,750 per programme (paid in 2 instalments) / $6,375 (Certificate with Module 1 exemption)
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