












正正是這樣,我們附屬學院的許多畢業生,經過一番努力後,都能奮發向上、成功地考上他們心儀的大學,完成學位課程,並取得優異的成績 (包括成為香港大學的一級榮譽畢業生、碩士研究生、博士研究生等),日後都有自己美好的前程。這說明一切事在人為。就如貝多芬所講的:心是一切偉大的起點;只要用心做好自己的工作,讀好自己的書,你的夢想就一定能夠實現。





Letter to New Students of our Community College


Dear students,

A very warm welcome to our Community College! You will find here a team of teachers fully dedicated to teaching and to nurturing yourself. Like teachers at many of the acclaimed liberal art colleges in the United States, they devote the bulk of their time and energy to coaching you, as compared to doing research and writing research papers.

Of course, our Community College still has rooms for improvement. In fact, Professor Edward Chen, our newly appointed Chairman of the Board, HKU SPACE, has inspired us to develop our Community College into a first-class institution of its kind in the entire region – a goal that we are striving to reach within the next few years.

Some of you might feel a little hurt, for not being able to make it to a government-funded university of your choice. However, we can perhaps look at this set-back a bit more positively. There are always ups and downs in life. A bit of set-back can make you stronger and more determined to succeed, thus helping you in the long run. Let me share a little story with you:

A young man by the name of Ah Wai is learning carpentry from his father, who is a skillful and experienced carpenter. One day, when Ah Wai was trimming wood, his trimmer was stuck at a knot on the wood panel, making it difficult for him to finish his trimming job.

“How come this knot is so hard?” Ah Wai could not help asking his father.

“It’s because the wood was hurt before.” His father replied.

“What?  The wood was hurt before?” Ah Wai could not understand what his father saying.

“Knots are actually where the wood got hurt before.  They became scars and are thus harder.  This also applies to human beings.  We might also get hurt occasionally.  However, after we recover from such set-backs, we actually become stronger.”  His father explained.

Yes, when we overcome difficulties and recover from set-backs, we actually become stronger.  This enhances our capability and our chance of success in the future.

And this is exactly why many of our graduates excel in their studies, eventually gaining admission to universities of their choices.  Some of them went on to become First Class Honours graduates and Ph.D graduates of The University of Hong Kong.  It is all in your own hands.  If you keep working on it, your dream will become true.

My colleagues and I wish you every success in your studies. We firmly believe that you can excel and shine in the days ahead.

With our warmest regards,

  Prof. C F Lee
September 2013
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