HKU SPACE News Express April 2018
Summer School 2018
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Summer holidays – a time to grow and explore

It is nice to put the books aside for a while during the Summer Holidays. We can all benefit from breaking our routines once in a while. But that does not mean we have to stop growing and exploring. Students can gain a lot from their summer holidays if they spend their time wisely. Here are some tips on planning summer activities that are productive, yet not too exhausting for your children. 

  1. Involve your children in setting goals and planning an activity timetable 
  2. If your children have a say in how their time is planned, they are much more likely to enjoy what they are doing. Ask them what they would like to do, or send them searching for information about different activities. Goals could include catching up with school work, or exploring different paths for their future.

  3. Encourage your children to cultivate new interests

    Learning a foreign language, for example, or composing a piece of music, or maybe improving their artistic skills by sketching urban scenes. These are just a few ideas that could enable your children to experience something new and unlock their potential in fresh areas.

  4. Encourage your children to hang out with friends
  5. Attending summer courses, watching movies or visiting museums are all good things to do with friends in the summer. They can boost your children’s creativity by exposing them to new ideas, and encouraging them to improve their communication skills. 

  6. Organise summer courses wisely
  7. Summer courses with heavy workloads should be avoided. The summer is a time to ease the pressure, and allow new ideas to flourish. Even with a good plan, you should take into consideration whether there will be ample time for meals between classes and travelling to different locations. Plans that look good on paper, may be too stressful in reality.

HKU SPACE Summer School offers 60 inspiring summer courses. Selected themes include:

Language Series: German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and DSE-oriented courses 

Creativity and Fun Series: architecture, molecular science, aviation, Chinese medicine, 3D printing, virtual reality (VR) and popular music

Becoming a Professional Series
: tree doctor (arborist), architecture, aircraft pilot, pharmacist, fashion designer, stylist, financial analyst, and psychologist. 

Study Tour: 9-day study tour to Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 

Enrolment starts now.  Teenagers aged 15 or above are welcome.

More information and enquiries, please visit our website!

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  1. 與子女一同訂立目標及時間表
  2. 若子女有份決定如何度過暑假,他們會更享受其中。不妨先問問他們喜歡什麼,或由他們自行尋找活動資料,讓他們探索自己的未來路向。

  3. 鼓勵子女培養新興趣


  4. 鼓勵子女相約同學進行集體活動
  5. 可建議子女與同學一起報讀暑期課程、看電影或參觀博物館等,可以讓他們在學校以外,透過互動學到人際相處的技巧。

  6. 妥善編排暑期課程
  7. 為減低子女在放假期間承受過大的功課壓力,建議最好避免有繁重功課的課程,以及考慮活動與活動之間有足夠的用膳時間,並最好選擇相鄰地點的暑期課程,避免舟車勞頓。

HKU SPACE Summer School提供60個內容豐富的暑期課程包括: 


: 建築、份子料理、航空、中醫、3D打印、虛擬實境(VR)及流行音樂

: 樹藝師、建築師、飛機師、藥劑師、時裝及造型設計師、金融分析師及心理學家

遊學團: 英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡九天遊學團


課程現已接受報名,歡迎15歲或以上青少年報讀。詳情請瀏覽Summer School網頁。

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