HKU SPACE 2023 Spring Prospectus

Programme Index 課程索引 037 Hospitality, Tourism & Events 款客、旅遊及活動 Business & Live Entertainment Events 商業及現場娛樂活動 181 Postgraduate Diploma in International Live Entertainment and Event Management Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in International Festival & Event Management Advanced Diploma in Live Entertainment, Festival and Event Management Advanced Diploma in M.I.C.E. and Event Management 182 Executive Diploma in Fundraising Event Management Executive Certificate in Event Management Executive Certificate in Fundraising Event Management Certificate for Module (Business of Live Entertainment) Certificate for Module (Creation and Management of Live Events) Certificate for Module (Event Planning and Promotion) 183 Certificate for Module (Events Operations) Business Aviation Management 商業航空管理 183 Certificate in Private Jet Hospitality Service Management Certificate for Module (Introduction to Private Jet Management) Certificate for Module (Business Aviation Executive Management) 184 Certificate for Module (Business Aviation International Operations) Catering and Culinary Service on Board Hospitality & Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊業管理 185 Master of Science Tourism and Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Hospitality Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Tourism Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Cruise Management 186 Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management Advanced Diploma in Tourism and Travel Experience Management Certificate for Module (Food and Beverage Administration) Certificate for Module (Hospitality, Tourism and Events in the Digital Age) 187 Certificate for Module (Hotel and Resort Management) Certificate for Module (Hotel Revenue Management Analytics) Certificate for Module (Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality) Certificate for Module (Marketing for the Hospitality, Tourism and Event Industry) 188 旅遊業創意宣傳工作坊系列:講啱佢,製作PR故事要點做? 旅遊業創意宣傳工作坊系列:畫靚佢,平面設計要點做? 旅遊業創意宣傳工作坊系列:寫啱佢,廣告文案要點做? 旅遊業創意宣傳工作坊系列:諗好佢,市場傳播策略要點做? 旅遊業創意宣傳工作坊系列:揚開佢,媒體策略要點做? Risk and Crisis Management Workshop for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Professionals Professional Butler & Luxury Lifestyle 專業管家及奢侈品服務 189 Certificate for Module (Butler Service) Certificate for Module (Guest Relationship Management) Introductory Wines and Spirits Tasting and Servicing 識歎。體驗。Fine Dining! 餐桌禮儀 - Easy ! Wine, Spirits, Sake & Coffee 葡萄酒、烈酒、清酒及咖啡 190 Certificate for Module (Advanced Study in Wines) Certificate for Module (Intermediate Study in Wines) Certificate for Module (Intermediate Study in Spirits) Certificate for Module (Specialty Coffee : Barista Skills - Foundation and Intermediate) Certificate for Module (Specialty Coffee : Introduction to Coffee and Brewing Skills) 證書(單元:葡萄酒鑑賞二級認證 - 法國葡萄酒專修) 191 Certificate for Module (Italian Wine and Food Appreciation) 證書(單元:日本清酒大師) Foundation Study in Japanese Sake Japanese Sake Masterclass Series – Meeting and Tasting with Sake Brewer Introduction to Wine Appreciation Certificate for Module (World Whisky Appreciation) 日本梅酒實驗所 Languages 語言 Chinese 中文 192 普通話基礎證書 金融業普通話基礎證書 193 文職人員普通話基礎證書 普通話證書(中級) 普通話證書(高級) 普通話教學法證書 普通話日常會話(初班) 普通話日常會話(中班) 證書(單元:國家語委普通話水平測試應試技巧) 普通話水平測試考前輔導課 194 模擬普通話水平測試 普通話水平測試應試講座 普通話朗誦技巧 普通話戲劇表演技巧 普通話水平測試 網上普通話入門(一) 網上普通話生活會話(初級) 網上DSE中國語文科閱讀理解精讀班 網上DSE中國語文科寫作能力精讀班 廣東話速成班(初班) 195 廣東話速成班(中班) 粵語知識 DSE中國語文科閱讀理解精讀班 DSE中國語文科寫作能力精讀班 DSE中國語文科指定文章應試班 196 Introductory Putonghua (for Non-Chinese Speakers) Intermediate Putonghua (for Non-Chinese Speakers) Advanced Putonghua (for Non-Chinese Speakers) Intensive Putonghua for Non-Chinese Speakers (Level 1) Introductory Cantonese (for non-Chinese speakers) Intermediate Cantonese (for non-Chinese speakers) HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) HSK Level 1 197 HSK Level 2 HSK Level 3 HSK Level 4 HSK Level 5 HSK Level 6 HSKK Beginner Level HSKK Intermediate Level HSKK Advanced Level English 英文 199 SPACE General English Entrance Examination Advanced Diploma in General English Diploma in General English Certificate in General English (Advanced) 200 Certificate in General English (Upper Intermediate) Certificate in General English (Intermediate) Certificate in General English (Introductory)