Newsletter Issue No. 78

07 e x p e r i e n c e d g r e a t e r chal lenges than before, including being forced to suspend classes due to the Covid-19 epidemic, and switching from faceto-face classes to online learning. He praised them for their high degree of flexibility and adaptability i n overcomi ng var i ous difficulties. Professor Lo sa id to the graduates, “Your Graduation today i s no t an end goa l i n itself; instead it is a part of your life-long journey. Your accompl i shments w e c e l e b r a t e t o d a y should be taken as not o n l y a wa t e r s h e d i n your l ife but also a new beginning for your further achievements.” Professor Ian Hol l iday, Chai rman of the B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s o f HKU S PACE , c ong r a t u l a t ed t he g r adu a t e s on t he i r achievements, and hoped that they would continue to move forward. He also thanked the teachers of the College and the families and f r i ends o f t he g r adua t es fo r t he i r support, which has helped the students be able to achieve today’s success. He said that the University of Hong Kong was always evolving including i ts recent development across the border in Shenzhen. “We will be hoping that you will join us in that journey too,” he added, “as we not only expand the universi ty in HK, but also expand our operation in the Greater Bay Area.” On the day of the Ceremony, the College also presented the Outstanding Teacher Awards to commend teachers for their excellent teaching performance, and presented different awards and scholarships to a number of students to recognise graduates who have achieved outstanding results or provided great services. Say goodbye to alma mater and pay tribute to teachers Last l y, the graduate representat i ve Lee Pui Won studying the Associate of Arts in Engl ish Language and Li terature gave a thank you speech. He thanked the principal of the College for his love and care towards students and his contribution to providing a good learning environment for students; he thanked the lecturers for designing great online courses with a lot of effort, guiding students to explore their interests and develop their strengths; he thanked the parents for their unconditional love and support for their children; he thanked the graduates for their spirit of supporting each other and fighting side by side. “The experiences and knowledge that we have gained will definitely be vital to our future studies and career,” he said. Leung Yee Moon, a graduate of the Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Corporate Commun i ca t i ons , sha r ed he r l ea r n i ng experience, “I found my true interest during my study at the College. The teachers gave me many opportunities and space, allowing me to develop my own potential.” Lui Chun Sing, a graduate of the Associate of Geography, believed that the College is a great educational institution that cares so much about their students. The teachers patiently answered students’ questions and provided them with many valuable suggestions on their learning, homework and further studies. HKU SPACE Commun i t y Co l l ege ( “ t he College”) was founded in 2000. In the history of higher education in Hong Kong, the College plays a pivotal role every year, connecting students to the universities they dream of. The 21st Graduation Ceremony of the College was successfully held on the 20 October 2022 in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium Arena with Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HKU SPACE, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, and Professor Lo Shiu-hing, Acting College Principal, celebrating together with the graduates, students' parents and teachers of the College. Parting advice: starting a new journey with self-confidence At the ceremony, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, awarded graduates with associate degrees or higher diplomas from different divisions, including the Division of Arts and Humanities, the Division of Economics and Business, the Division of Engineering and Technology, the Division of English, the Division of Mathematics and Science, and the Division of Social Sciences. When giving his welcoming speech for the ceremony, Professor William K.M. Lee said, “Education is a lifelong process. Some of you will pursue further studies while others will start a career by taking up a profession you aspire to. Be open-minded and be flexible. There is always a solution to any of your problems.” Professor Lo Shiu-hing, Act ing Co l l ege Principal, said that this year’s graduates have