Newsletter Issue No. 78

04 06 10 12 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2022 第七十八期 ISSUE 78 2022 年12 月 2 日,香港大學專業進修學院舉 行第九屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,向四位於各自界 別取得傑出成就的人士頒發榮譽院士銜,以表 揚他們對香港社會及香港大學專業進修學院所 作的寶貴貢獻。 The 9t h Honorar y Fe l l owsh i p Ceremony of HKU SPACE was successful ly held on 2 December 2022. The School awarded Honorary Fel lowships to four individuals who have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields and recognised their important contributions to Hong Kong society and the School. 香港大學專業進修學院 榮獲 ASIIN 機構認證標誌 HKU SPACE was awarded ASIIN Institutional Accreditation Seal 香港大學附屬學院第21屆 畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 21st Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was successfully held 78 ISSUE 2022 校友週活動巡禮 The Event Brief of Alumni Week 2022 學院舉行首屆 升國旗儀式 HKU SPACE held its first flag-raising ceremony 第九屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 THE 9TH HONORARY FELLOWSHIP CEREMONY 08 新九龍西分校正式啟用 New Kowloon West Campus in operation DEC 2022

是次頒授儀式假金鐘教學中心楊健明教授 伉儷演講廳舉行,並由香港大學專業進修學 院董事局主席何立仁教授主持。在典禮上, 學院院長李經文教授致歡迎辭,並與常務副 院長分別為四位榮譽院士致讚辭,稱許他們 在其所屬領域上成就卓越、貢獻良多。 The ceremony this year was held in the Professor and Mrs Enoch Young Lecture Theatre at the Admiralty Learning Centre, and was hosted by Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the HKU SPACE Board of Directors. Professor Wi l l iam K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, del ivered the welcoming address. The Di rector and Deput y Di rectors presented the four awardees of the Honorary Fellowship for their awards and praised them for their contributions to the community in their own fields. 第九屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 The 9th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 02 陳坤耀教授 Professor Edward Chen Kwan-yiu 熊海先生 Mr Hung Hoi 四位獲頒授榮譽院士銜的傑出人士: The four outstanding individuals who were awarded the Honorary Fellowship: 第九屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 The 9th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 榮譽院士與學院董事局前主席及現任高級管理層 Honorary Fellows with former Chairmen of the Board of Directors and current senior management

03 胡國強先生 Mr Andrew Wu Kwok-keung 楊紫芝教授 Professor the Honourable Rosie Young Tse-tse 四位榮譽院士對生活和工作充滿熱忱,除了他們卓 然有成之外,更積極扶掖後進,實為後輩學習的典 範。 自1957 年創校至今,香港大學專業進修學院服務 香港 65 載,得蒙來自不同專業界別的翹楚鼎力支 持,在不同方面為學院的進步作出建樹,推動學院 成為一所提供優質持續教育的領導機構。學院於 2014 年設立榮譽院士制度,藉此表彰為學院、學 術界及香港作出重要貢獻的社會精英,同時印證學 院與本地社區和教育界的緊密聯繫。 These four individuals are full of enthusiasm about their life and work. In addition to their great achievements, they also actively guide and help younger generat ions. They are excellent learning examples for young people to follow. The School has been serving Hong Kong for 65 years since its establishment in 1957. It has received strong support from leaders of dif ferent professional circles, who have made contributions to the School’s progress in different aspects and have promoted it to become a leading institution in providing highquality continuing education. Since 2014, the School has awarded the Honorary Fellowship to recognise those who have made important contributions to the School, academia and Hong Kong, confirming the School’s close relationship with the local community and the education sector.

04 香港大學專業進修學院榮獲 ASIIN 機構認證標誌 HKU SPACE was awarded ASIIN Institutional Accreditation Seal 香港大學專業進修學院繼在 2021 年 10 月進行 的國際學術質素評審後,現榮獲德國工程、信息 科學、自然科學和數學專業認證機構(ASIIN) 頒授機構認證標誌。ASIIN 確認學院在機構、程 序及文化方面,已達到良好教學及成功學習的要 求,並全面符合歐洲高等教育區質素保證標準 及指引(ESG – the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area)。評審專家讚揚,「香港大學專 業進修學院在機構領導層面尤其優秀,而且在程 序處理上嚴謹縝密」。ASIIN 特向學院頒授機構認 證標誌,進一步認可學院的學術質素。 有關認證以 ASIIN 制度標誌/機構評審/機構 評核的準則作為依據,注重教學的質素發展(與 2015 年歐洲標準及指引一致),並考慮:(I) 學術 質素的定義及管理;(II) 在高等教育機構所提供的 教育課程上的應用;(III) 資源管理;以及 (IV) 與 學術質素相關的透明度與文書紀錄。 評審報告顯示,學院在上述四大範疇均有卓越表 現,而且在學術質素管理制度/管治、課程開拓 和發展過程、守則和規例,以及透明度和文書紀 錄方面尤其出色。 評審報告重點包括: • 評審專家指出,眾多事例均反映學院擁有高效 領導及主動的管理文化,有利於學院的未來發 展。 • 評審專家讚揚學院具備全面的規劃過程,為進 一步改進課程做好準備。 • 評審專家發現學院擁有一套完善的中央管理, 處理與課程相關的守則及規例。 • 評審專家認為,學院非常重視文書檔案紀錄, 並在過程中持續參考有關文書及透明度的外部 法律要求。 香港大學專業進修學院院長李經文教授表示:「我 很高興代表學院接受 ASIIN 官方認證。該認證反 映學院的學術質素保證制度得到國際認可,而且 報告內容十分正面,充分肯定我們對專業及持續 教育以及終身學習的貢獻和承諾,亦證明學院的 管治架構及學術質素保證制度穩健可靠。」 最後,評審小組總結認為,香港大學專業進修學 院具備具備穩健根基和深遠潛力,可望在持續教 育、終身學習和跨國教育的領域上發展成為領導 國際的優質學府。評審小組提出了多項建議,以 協助學院達成這個宏願,學院將詳細研究有關建 議並於未來數月作適當跟進。 HKU SPACE was awarded ASIIN Institutional Accreditation Seal HKU SPACE wa s awa r d e d t h e AS I I N inst i tut ional accredi tat ion seal as a fol low up to its International Quality Review (IQR) in October 2021. The German agency, the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) confirmed that HKU SPACE fulfils the institutional, procedural and cultural requirements for good teaching and successful learning as well as meeting the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher European Area (ESG). The experts commend that “HKU SPACE's institutional leadership is particularly strong, and the institution is procedurally rigorous.” The accreditation was based on the Criteria for the ASI IN System Seal / Inst i tut ional Accredi tat ion / Inst i tut ional Assessment . This set of cri teria is designed for qual i ty development in teaching and learning (in line with the European Standards and Guidelines 2015). The criteria refer to (I) the definition of quality and its management, (II) their application in the educat ional prov is ions the Higher Education Institution (HEI) is offering, (III) the management of its resources and (IV) quality related transparency and documentation. The report showed that HKU SPACE scored highly over the entire range of the four sets of criteria. The strongest categories across the board were quality management systems/ governance, the process for the creation and development of study programmes as well as rules and regulations and transparency and documentation. Key findings are as follows: • The experts see multiple evidence of an ef fective leadership and a management culture that is proactive and geared to the further development of the institution. • The experts commend HKU SPACE on its comprehensive planning processes, which are geared to the further improvement of its study programmes. • The exper ts f ind a st rong cent ra l i sed managemen t i n re l a t i on to ru l es and regulations pertaining to programmes. • The experts identify a stringent emphasis on documentation at HKU SPACE. External legal requirements relevant for documentation and transparency are continuously taken into consideration in the respective processes. Professor William K.M. Lee, the Director of the HKU SPACE, said, “I am very happy to receive this formal recognition from ASIIN which demonstrates that our quality assurance systems receive global recogni t ion. This posi t ive repor t shows our dedicat ion and commitment to professional and continuing education and lifelong learning, and that our governance structure and quality assurance systems are sound.” Finally the Panel concluded the HKU SPACE has a strong base to build on and promising potential to further develop as a World Class Centre of Excellence in Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning and Transnational Education. It has made a number of recommendations to assist the School in this endeavour which will be followed up in the coming months. 香港大學專業進修學院榮獲 ASIIN 機構認證標誌

05 學院網站帳戶系統隆重登場 The School’s website account logon system was officially launched The School’s website account logon system was officially launched 香港大學專業進修學院網站帳戶系統已於 2022 年 9 月 27 日正式登場,是本港首個可供使用者建立帳 戶的高等教育機構網站,開創了本港高等教育界的 先河。 學院網站帳戶的開設旨在:為使用者提供個人化的 瀏覽體驗;強化網頁及電郵內容的相關性;提高學 院與學生之間的互動,進一步提升彼此的聯繫;收 集數據以協助學院制訂拓展課程的策略。使用者只 須填寫簡單個人資料、工作目標及興趣,便可成功 建立帳戶;將網站帳戶連結至學生帳戶,更可獲得 最佳使用體驗。 建立帳戶後可專享四大個人化功能: 1. 精選課程及活動推介:系統根據使用者於網站帳 戶填寫的個人資料及於網頁上的足迹,向他們推 介合適的課程及活動。 2. 課程書籤及比較:每個課程皆設有「加入我的書 籤」及「加入課程比較」功能,用戶不僅可輕鬆 獲得課程資料,更可同一時間比較多達三個課程 的異同。 3. 快捷活動登記:登入網站帳戶後,用戶在報名參 加活動時,其基本個人資料已預先載入,報名程 序更簡單快捷。 4. 個人化電郵通知:推介為用戶度身挑選的課程及 活動、已加入書籤的課程及相關活動的最新資 訊,以及學院特別活動邀請等等。 學院持續不斷優化網站體驗,往後將舉辦不同類型 活動供已註冊帳戶的學生參加,以促進學院與學生 的聯繫,並提升學生對學院的歸屬感。 The HKU SPACE websi te account logon system was of f icial ly launched on the 27 September 2022. This is the first website for a higher education institution in Hong Kong that allows users to create accounts, setting a precedent for Hong Kong's higher education sector. The School’s purpose for providing the website account is to provide a personalised browsing experience to users, and enhance website and email content relevancy. The aim is to improve the School’s interactions with its students, further enhancing the relationships between them. It also helps to collect data, thus assisting the School wi th enhancing programme development strategies. Users only need to fill in simple personal information, career goa l s and i nteres ts , i n order to successfully create an account. Moreover, users can link their website accounts to their student accounts for the best experience. After creating an account, users can enjoy four exclusive personalised features: 1. Programme and Event Recommendation: The system recommends suitable courses and events to users based on their personal profile and webpage footprint. 2. Programme Bookmark and Comparison: Each course has the “Add to My Bookmarks” and “Add to Compar i son” func t i ons , al lowing users to not only easi ly obtain course information, but also to compare the similarities and differences of up to three courses at the same time. 3. Quick Event Registration: After logging in to their website account, participant personal information will be pre-loaded when the user registers for an event, making the registration procedure faster and more convenient. 4. Personal ised Emai l Not i f icat ion: The system recommends courses and events tai lored for users, providing the latest information on their bookmarked courses and relevant events, invitations to special events at the School, etc. The School wi l l cont inue to opt imise the website experience. In the future, it will also hold different types of activities for students who have registered accounts to participate in, promoting the relationship between the School and the students, and enhancing the students’ sense of belonging to the School. 學院網站帳戶系統 隆重登場

香港大學附屬學院第 21 屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 21st Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was successfully held 06 香港大學附屬學院(學院)創校於 2000 年,每年 載着力爭上游的莘莘學子橫渡教育長河,讓他們 實踐升讀大學的夢想。學院第 21 屆畢業典禮已 於 2022 年 10 月 20 日在伊利沙伯體育館圓滿舉 行,香港大學專業進修學院董事局主席何立仁教 授、香港大學專業進修學院院長李經文教授及學 院署理校長盧兆興教授擔任主禮嘉賓,與畢業同 學、學生家長及學院導師一同分享喜悅。 離別的叮嚀:踏上自信征途 典禮上,院長李經文教授向來自不同學部的副學 士及高級文憑畢業生頒授學銜,包括文學及人文 學部、經濟及商學學部、工程及科技學部、英文學 部、數學及科學學部和社會科學學部;並在致辭時 勉勵畢業同學:「學習是終身的過程,不論大家往 後選擇繼續升學或投身社會,只要保持思想開放 而靈活,則任何困難都可迎刃而解。」 The 21st Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was successfully held 香港大學附屬學院 第 21 屆畢業典禮 圓滿舉行 項及獎學金,以嘉許取得卓越成績或貢獻傑出服 務的畢業生。 道別母校 致敬師長 臨別依依,最後由畢業生代表李沛桓同學(修讀 文學副學士(英國語言及文學))致謝辭。他感 謝學院校長對學生的愛與關懷,為同學提供了良 好的學習環境;感謝講師用心設計網上課程,指 導他們發掘興趣及發揮所長;感謝父母無條件的 愛與支持;感謝同窗之間在學業路上互相扶持、 並肩作戰。「兩年所學與得着將成為我們最好的 裝備,讓我們可以自信地迎戰未來。」 公關及企業傳訊高級文憑畢業的梁綺玟分享她的 學習經驗:「在學院學習的過程中,我找到自己 的真正興趣。老師給我很多機會和空間,讓我可 以發揮個人潛能。」地理副學士畢業的呂駿昇認 為,學院是一間充滿愛心的教育機構,老師悉心 為同學解答疑難,在學習、功課和升學上給他提 供了許多寶貴意見。 學院署理校長盧兆興教授表示,本屆同學經歷了比 以往畢業生更大的挑戰,包括因新冠肺炎疫情而被 逼停課、由面授課堂轉為網上學習,並讚揚他們以 高度靈活性和適應力克服了種種困難。盧教授寄 語大家:「畢業並非學習的終點,而是終生學習旅 途中的一個里程。今天的慶典不僅是人生的重要 分水嶺,也是未來進一步成就的新開始。」 董事局主席何立仁教授恭賀畢業同學的成就,期 許大家繼續向前邁進;並感謝學院老師及畢業生 的家人與朋友的支援,使同學得以順利完成兩年 副學士課程。他表示港大一直不斷拓展,包括最 近在深圳地區的建設,並續稱:「在未來,我們希 望各畢業同學能夠與學院攜手,共同擴建香港大 學及協助大學在大灣區的發展。」 在典禮當天,學院同時頒發傑出教師獎,以表揚教 學表現傑出的老師,以及向多位同學頒發不同的獎

07 e x p e r i e n c e d g r e a t e r chal lenges than before, including being forced to suspend classes due to the Covid-19 epidemic, and switching from faceto-face classes to online learning. He praised them for their high degree of flexibility and adaptability i n overcomi ng var i ous difficulties. Professor Lo sa id to the graduates, “Your Graduation today i s no t an end goa l i n itself; instead it is a part of your life-long journey. Your accompl i shments w e c e l e b r a t e t o d a y should be taken as not o n l y a wa t e r s h e d i n your l ife but also a new beginning for your further achievements.” Professor Ian Hol l iday, Chai rman of the B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s o f HKU S PACE , c ong r a t u l a t ed t he g r adu a t e s on t he i r achievements, and hoped that they would continue to move forward. He also thanked the teachers of the College and the families and f r i ends o f t he g r adua t es fo r t he i r support, which has helped the students be able to achieve today’s success. He said that the University of Hong Kong was always evolving including i ts recent development across the border in Shenzhen. “We will be hoping that you will join us in that journey too,” he added, “as we not only expand the universi ty in HK, but also expand our operation in the Greater Bay Area.” On the day of the Ceremony, the College also presented the Outstanding Teacher Awards to commend teachers for their excellent teaching performance, and presented different awards and scholarships to a number of students to recognise graduates who have achieved outstanding results or provided great services. Say goodbye to alma mater and pay tribute to teachers Last l y, the graduate representat i ve Lee Pui Won studying the Associate of Arts in Engl ish Language and Li terature gave a thank you speech. He thanked the principal of the College for his love and care towards students and his contribution to providing a good learning environment for students; he thanked the lecturers for designing great online courses with a lot of effort, guiding students to explore their interests and develop their strengths; he thanked the parents for their unconditional love and support for their children; he thanked the graduates for their spirit of supporting each other and fighting side by side. “The experiences and knowledge that we have gained will definitely be vital to our future studies and career,” he said. Leung Yee Moon, a graduate of the Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Corporate Commun i ca t i ons , sha r ed he r l ea r n i ng experience, “I found my true interest during my study at the College. The teachers gave me many opportunities and space, allowing me to develop my own potential.” Lui Chun Sing, a graduate of the Associate of Geography, believed that the College is a great educational institution that cares so much about their students. The teachers patiently answered students’ questions and provided them with many valuable suggestions on their learning, homework and further studies. HKU SPACE Commun i t y Co l l ege ( “ t he College”) was founded in 2000. In the history of higher education in Hong Kong, the College plays a pivotal role every year, connecting students to the universities they dream of. The 21st Graduation Ceremony of the College was successfully held on the 20 October 2022 in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium Arena with Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HKU SPACE, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, and Professor Lo Shiu-hing, Acting College Principal, celebrating together with the graduates, students' parents and teachers of the College. Parting advice: starting a new journey with self-confidence At the ceremony, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, awarded graduates with associate degrees or higher diplomas from different divisions, including the Division of Arts and Humanities, the Division of Economics and Business, the Division of Engineering and Technology, the Division of English, the Division of Mathematics and Science, and the Division of Social Sciences. When giving his welcoming speech for the ceremony, Professor William K.M. Lee said, “Education is a lifelong process. Some of you will pursue further studies while others will start a career by taking up a profession you aspire to. Be open-minded and be flexible. There is always a solution to any of your problems.” Professor Lo Shiu-hing, Act ing Co l l ege Principal, said that this year’s graduates have

08 新九龍西分校正式啟用 New Kowloon West Campus in operation 香港大學專業進修學院新九龍西分校位於長沙灣 荔枝角道888號的南商金融創新中心,已經正式 啟用。學院的教學中心遍佈港九,一直以交通便 利作為選址的大前提。新九龍西分校毗鄰荔枝角 港鐵站,正好為教職員和學生日常往來帶來最大 的方便。 學院購入該物業是為長遠教學發展策略之一,將 會以擴充及優化教學及學生設施為主要用途。新 九龍西分校設有詢問及報名中心、九個不同面積 的課室、一個試酒室、兩個電腦室、三個學生休 息室、教師室、講談室、醫護室等;部分樓面面 積則劃為辦公室,方便教職員處理日常教學事務。 首階段工程為拓展教職員辦公室,並已於 2022 年 8 月竣工;原工作於統一中心的金融商業學院 同事已於 8 月底順利「搬新家」。九龍西分校的 詢問及報名中心亦已完工,於 2022 年 11 月 28 日起預先提供報名服務。次階段工程將於 2023 年 1 月完成,屆時香港大學附屬學院的新學期教 學活動及學院部分兼讀制課程將在新校園展開。 目前學院於港九地區設有 11 個教學 / 報名中心, 共提供 257 個課室及電腦 / 特別實驗室,總樓面 面積達 606,000 平方呎(辦公室除外)。 New Kowloon West Campus in operation The new Kowloon West Campus of HKU SPACE at 12/F NCB Innovation Centre, 888 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, is now in operation. The School has various learning centres all over Hong Kong and Kowloon, and convenient transportation has always been the premise of site selection. The brand-new Kowloon West Campus is adjacent to the Lai Chi Kok MTR Station, providing the School’s faculty, staff and students with the greatest convenience for their daily commuting. The acquisition of the property is part of the School’s long-term development strategies, which is to expand and improve teaching venues and student facilities. The new Kowloon West Campus has an enrolment cent re, 9 classrooms of different sizes, a wine room, 2 computer labs, 3 student common rooms, a teacher and student di scuss ion room, a lecture room, and a sick room, etc.; some space in the building is designated as offices, convenient for faculty staf f to handle dai ly teaching affairs. The first phase of the construction project is to expand the staf f of f ices, which was completed in August 2022. At the end of August , co l l eagues f rom the Co l l ege of Business and Finance, who were originally work i ng i n the Un i ted Learn i ng Cent re, successfully moved into their “new home”. The enrolment centre of Kowloon West Campus has also been completed, and pre-enrolment services were available from 28 November 2022. The second phase of the project will be completed in January 2023. At that time, new semester teaching activities of the HKU SPACE Community College and some parttime courses of the School will be launched on the new campus. At present, the School has 11 learning/enrolment centres in Hong Kong and Kowloon, providing a total of 257 classrooms and computer/special laboratories, with a total floor area of ​606,000 square feet (excluding offices). 新九龍西分校 正式啟用

09 微證書 為職場競爭力加分 Acquiring Microcredentials to accelerate your career 香港大學專業進修學院欣然推出微證書,為有志 進修人士提供更具彈性的學習空間和模式。 微證書是一股全球新趨勢——為進修人士提供與 工作及專業相關的短期獨立課程或不同類型的短 期興趣班,並向畢業同學頒發數碼證書或徽章。 微證書的特點是「可堆疊的」。進修人士可以積累 學分以獲得證書或文憑資格。大部分微證書課程 為期 30 小時,一般為 6 或 9 學分,少數課程可 能需要較長時間。微證書學分一般有效期為 5 年, 累積滿 30 學分可獲頒證書、滿 60 學分可獲頒文 憑;並視乎微證書的科目性質而獲得普通學科證 書 / 文憑或專業實踐證書 / 文憑,後者要求百分之 七十五的學分必須在專業領域修讀,否則便將獲 授普通學科證書 / 文憑學銜。香港大學專業進修 學院亦要求,凡資歷架構課程所配對的學銜,當中 百分之七十五的學分必須達致相關資歷架構級別。 此外,許多微證書皆屬於持續進修基金課程範圍, 學生可向持續進修基金申請資助。 微證書乃根據不同課程主題發出。進修人士在某 個課程主題內累積微證書,所獲學銜將會以括號 列明其專修主題,例如:專業實踐證書(人工智能) 或專業實踐文憑(職場心理學)。 微證書將於 2023 年推出,更多細節將於稍後在學 院網站上公佈。 T h e S c h o o l i s p l e a s e d t o i n t r o d u c e Microcredentials at HKU SPACE to better serve the learning community. Microcredentials are a worldwide trend to of fer learners shor t, standalone courses relevant to careers and professions or for general interest. A digital certificate or digital badge will be issued to successful learners. Another feature is that the Microcredentials are “stackable”. That is, that learners may accumulate them to earn a cer t i f icate or diploma. Most Microcredentials are shor t courses of about 30 contact hours, usually 6 or 9 credits, though a few are longer. These can be accumulated, are normally valid over a 5-year period and lead to a Certificate (30 credits) or Diploma (60 credits). These awards will carry the title of Certificate/Diploma in Professional Practice or Certificate/Diploma in General Studies depending on the nature of the Microcredentials. For the Professional Practice title, 75% of the credits must be in a professional area, otherwise the General Studies award will be made. Also, as per existing School practice, the QF Level of the award requires 75% of the credits at that QF Level. In addition, students will find that many of the Microcredentials are CEF eligible so that application for financial support may be made to the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) of the HK Government. They are also presented in number of themes and those who stack Microcredentials within a theme will also have that theme in brackets as par ts of the award, e.g. Cer t i f icate in Professional Practice (Artificial Intelligence) or Diploma in Professional Practice (Workplace Psychology). Microcredentials will be introduced in 2023 and more details will be announced in the School website later. Acquiring Microcredentials to accelerate your career 為職場競爭力加分 微證書

10 2022 校友週活動巡禮 The Event Brief of Alumni Week 2022 「疫後有出路 — 備戰第四季及明年全球股災、衰退策略」於 11 月 8 日 舉行,由東驥基金管理有限公司董事總經理龐寶林先生擔任主講嘉賓。 鑑於全球經濟現正處於五合一危機(包括歐美及新興市場衰退、滯脹和 通脹風險、俄烏戰事、中美日台紛爭、新冠肺炎疫情),較過去任何一 次股災更錯綜複雜。龐先生從宏觀和微觀層面為校友深入分析,該如何 部署投資策略及管理投資風險,與大家一起備戰全球股災。 The “Global Economic Prospect for 2023” talk was given on 8 November by the keynote speaker, Mr Paul Pong Po-lam, Managing Director of Pegasus Fund Managers Limited. Given that the global economy is now encountering the “5 in 1 Crisis” - including the Global Recession in Europe, the US and Emerging Markets, stagflation and inflation risks, the Russia-Ukraine war, disputes between China, the US, Japan and Taiwan, and the COVID-19 epidemic. There are more complications than in any stock market crash in the past. Mr Pong gave an in-depth analysis for alumni from both the macro and micro levels, shared tips on how to deploy investment strategies and manage risk factors in this current global stock market crash. 有機構指出,每七位香港人就有一位會經歷常見的心理或情緒問題, 但大部分人並不察覺,以致沒有尋求專業醫生的協助,結果導致情緒 爆煲才意識到問題的嚴重性。 在 11 月 18 日的「正面處理情緒:都市人精神健康急救竅門」講座中, 精神科專科醫生陳嘉璐為校友分析都市人的情緒問題,講解紓緩壓 力和正面應對心理健康的方法,鼓勵大家培養正向情緒。 An estimated 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong experience a common mental disorder at any given time. Most of them may not realise or seek professional help. However, prevention and treatment are essential for mental health before it is too late. In the “Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health” talk, held on 18 November, Dr Sylvia Chen Chia-lu, a psychiatrist, analysed the emotional problems of urbanites, giving tips on how to manage negative emotions and stress, and encouraging everyone to cultivate positive emotions. 展望 2023 全球經濟 Outlook of The Global Economy in 2023 關心情緒健康 Taking Care of Mental Health 2022 年「校友週」已於 11月圓滿舉行。今年,學院舉辦三場講座, 邀得專家為校友分析熱門話題 — 股市及數碼資產的趨勢和部署 策略,並關注大眾於疫下的心理健康;東北地質深度遊則讓校友 走進大自然的懷抱,為身心充電。 2022 校友週 活動巡禮 The Event Brief of Alumni Week 2022

11 NFT 是近期火熱的數碼資產話題。香港數碼資產學會創辦人區偉志先 生於 11 月 25 日的「掌握 NFT 趨勢 2023」講座中,為校友講解了不 同數碼資產的特點,指導大家如何發掘有潛力的 NFT 項目,分析投資 風險,以及預期 2023 年的發展趨勢。 「校友週」講座以現場參與及網上直播形式同步進行,反應熱烈,三個 講座共吸引了接近 400 人次即時收看,截至 11 月底的累積觀看次數 達 1,700。 NFT has been one of the most topical issues in Hong Kong recently. Mr Alex Au Wai-chi, the Co-Founder of the Hong Kong Digital Asset Society, gave alumni the talk “NFT Trends 2023” on 25 November, explaining the characteristics of different digital assets, providing instructions on how to discover potential NFT projects, analysing the risks of digital asset investment and forecasting the trends for various digital assets in 2023. The Alumni Week talks were held simultaneously in the form of on-site participation and online live broadcast, and received an enthusiastic response from alumni. The three talks attracted nearly 400 people to watch in real-time, and the cumulative number of views by the end of November reached 1,700. 數碼資產投資有道 Invest Digital Assets in the Right Way The 2022 Alumni Week was successfully held in November. This year, the School held three talks and invited experts to explore a number of topical issues - trends and investment strategies for the stock market and digital assets. The topics also covered how to deal with stress and emotional illness and stay positive. In addition, an eventful day trip to the Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder was arranged, allowing alumni to embrace nature and recharge their minds and bodies. 「東北地質深度遊」是一趟親親大自然之旅。校友於 11 月 12 日當天在 地質公園暢遊印洲塘海岸公園,認識荔枝窩紅樹林生態,走訪本地客家 村落並了解客家文化,以及遊覽天后古廟、漫步於鴨洲地質徑等。參加 者完成洗滌心靈之旅,人人盡興而歸。 “A Day Trip to Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder” is an event to get close to nature. On 12 November, alumni took a tour of Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder to learn about the mangroves ecology in Lai Chi Wo, visiting local Hakka villages and learning about their cultures; alumni also visited Tin Hau Temple and rambled along the Ap Chau’s Geology Trail. Participants completed their journey of cleansing the soul and everyone returned with a lighter heart. 親親大自然 Embracing Nature

第七十八期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 78 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Members 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港薄扶林道香港大學徐展堂樓三樓 3/F, T.T. Tsui Building The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 2975 5680 傳真 Fax 2546 3538 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 12 78 ISSUE In order to celebrate the National Day of the People's Republ ic of China, HKU SPACE held its first flag-raising ceremony on the 30 September 2022. At 9:00 a.m. that day, around 50 staff members and students gathered on the rooftop of HKU SPACE Community College Lee Shiu Bui lding to at tend the ceremony, including Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, Dr Dorothy T. F. Chan, Deputy Director of HKU SPACE, and Professor Lo Shiu Hing, Acting College Principal, together with 13 staff members, student representatives and the management personnel of each learning centre. A 7-member team composed of full-time students from HKU SPACE Community College and International College was responsible for raising the flags. The ceremony was simple but the scene and atmosphere were solemn. 為慶祝中華人民共和國國慶日,香港大學專業進 修學院於 2022 年 9月30 日舉行了首屆升國旗儀 式。當天上午九時,約 50 位教職員及學生齊集 香港大學附屬學院李韶伉儷樓天台,包括學院院 長李經文教授、常務副院長陳阮德徽博士、附屬 學院署理校長盧兆興教授及13 位教職員、學生 代表及各教學中心管理人員等,由香港大學附屬 學院及國際學院全日制學生組成的 7人升旗隊負 責升旗。現場氣氛莊嚴肅穆,儀式簡單而隆重。 HKU SPACE held its first flag-raising ceremony 學院舉行首屆升國旗儀式 DEC 2022 學院舉行首屆升國旗儀式 HKU SPACE held its first flag-raising ceremony