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HKU SPACE News Express Feb 2025
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HKU SPACE ALUMNI x WestK Join Hands to Launch Exciting Offers Discounts

HKU SPACE ALUMNI x WestK Join Hands to Launch Exciting Offers Discounts

HKU SPACE ALUMNI is thrilled to announce its first collaboration with WestK. This exciting initiative provides alumni with unique opportunities to experience fascinating fusions of Eastern and Western art and a diverse range of exciting privileges to enrich your life.

Membership Privileges

Alumni can use the exclusive promo code to join as M+ or HKPM members and enjoy an extra month of membership along with a series of special offers. M+ members will be invited to an exclusive preview of ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Picasso for Asia — a conversation’ and enjoy three complimentary admission vouchers for special exhibitions each membership year. Joining HKPM Membership provides unlimited free admission to all thematic exhibitions and allows up to eight free visits to special exhibitions. Start your privileged art journey now.

Ticket Discounts

The School invites you to visit the "Norte-Dame de Paris, The Augmented Exhibition". This wonderful exhibition blends immersive augmented reality (AR) technology and artefacts to bring the cathedral's history to life just for you. HKU SPACE alumni members can enjoy 15% off adult tickets using the promo code. Additionally, alumni with HKU SPACE Ordinary Memberships or HKU SPACE Life Memberships can enjoy discounts at WestK's restaurants and shops.

This is the first collaboration between HKU SPACE ALUMNI and WestK. Some offers are valid until 28 February 2025, or until full. Please click here to learn more about the offers, terms and conditions. HKU SPACE ALUMNI have always upheld the School's principle of promoting lifelong learning and will continue to bring you a series of offers closely related to your lifestyle and well-being to actively enhance the quality of your life.

HKU SPACE ALUMNI x 西九文化區 攜手推出驚喜禮遇

HKU SPACE Alumni首度與西九文化區合作,攜手推出多個驚喜禮遇,為校友提供深度體驗中西藝術薈萃的機會,讓藝術走進生活。


HKU SPACE校友使用專屬優惠碼,加入成為M+會員或「香港故宮之友」可享額外一個月的會藉,更可解鎖一系列特別優惠: M+會員將獲邀優先預覽「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:畢加索──與亞洲對話」及每個會籍年度可獲免費特別展覽禮券三張;成為「香港故宮之友」可以不限次數免費參觀博物館專題展覽及參觀特別展覽8次, 立即展開你的藝術之旅!


學院誠邀你參與「浴火重生—巴黎聖母院擴増實境沉浸式體驗」,展覽將透過沉浸式擴增實境(AR)技術和珍貴文物結合,帶領公眾穿越時空,一覽巴黎聖母院的獨特建築與歷史。凡HKU SPACE校友會會員使用優惠碼購入成人門票,可享有85折優惠。

此外,持有HKU SPACE終身學員證或HKU SPACE Alumni永久會員證的校友會會員,更可享西九文化區餐廳及店舖優惠

是次為首次HKU SPACE Alumni與西九文化區的合作,部份優惠有效期至2025年2月28日或額滿即止。請按此了解更多優惠詳情、條款及細則。HKU SPACE Alumni一直秉承學院提倡終身學習的精神,並將繼續細心為校友帶來一系列與生活品味息息相關的優惠,積極為校友提升生活質素。

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