Celebrate the Joys of Spring with us
Our annual school concert invites you to immerse yourselves in the blessings and joys of spring and enjoy a wonderful selection of spectacular performances that reveal the many talents of our HKU SPACE students, teachers, and staff. The event will be held in the College Theatre at the Lee Shiu Building of the HKU SPACE Community College and sponsored by Honorary Fellow Mr William AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP.
Among the many exciting performers will be Natalie Ho (何榛綦) from the rising girl group STRAYZ; piano virtuoso Huang Naiwei (黃乃威), one of our guest lecturers; Didaboy (馬瑋謙), the renowned principal suona (嗩吶) and guan player of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra; guitarist Ron Ng; bass player Vinc Chan; tap dance geniuses Cal, and Zoe; and Hip Hop expert Lokin, another of our talented teachers. From keyboard melodies to moving vocals and vibrant dance, each performance will fill you with a profound sense of the power of art!
Please register now to secure your seat for this heart-warming show. The concert is also a key fundraising initiative for the HKU SPACE Scholarship and Bursary Fund, which assists full-time students with financial needs. If you wish to be a part of this fundraising effort, click here and donate now! We look forward to seeing you at the concert.
春日樂韻 與你共賞
學院音樂會是HKU SPACE一年一度的盛事,讓我們共同沉浸在春日的祝福與歡樂之中,用心感受這場音樂盛宴。精彩動人的表演,匯聚學院多元才華。是次活動於香港大學附屬學院李韶伉儷樓學院演講廳舉行,並由學院榮譽院士區永熙先生,SBS,JP贊助。
是次音樂會表演者眾多,包括來自新晉女子組合 STRAYZ 的何榛綦 (Natalie Ho)、鋼琴大師及學院客席講師黃乃威 (Huang Naiwei);香港中樂團著名嗩吶及管演奏家馬瑋謙 (Didaboy)、結他手 Ron Ng、低音結他手 Vinc Chan、踢踏舞舞者 Cal、Zoe 及街舞老師 Lokin。從悠揚的鋼琴演奏到動人的歌聲,從傳統樂器嗩吶與現代樂器低音結他及結他的創新合奏,到節奏感十足的踢踏舞,再到活力四射的街舞表演,每一刻都將讓你感受到藝術的力量!