HKU SPACE News Express September 2016
HKU SPACE Executive Academy - Study Tour
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Discover the “Start-Up Nation” - Israel

Over the past two decades Israel has excelled in start-ups and the venture capital industry. The country‘s coastal plain is the hub of its high-tech industry and often dubbed the Silicon Wadi. With more than 3,000 start-ups in a country of only eight million people, Isreal has the highest per-capita rate of start-ups in the world, and the largest number in absolute terms after the US.

Going hand in hand with start-ups is the venture capital industry which helps to finance many start-ups in their infancy. Not surprisingly Israel is also ranked top worldwide in venture capital investment per capita. Typical start-ups range from crowdsourcing to 3D printing, and from fast-charging batteries to video texting. Regardless of the category, however, innovation is undoubtedly the driving force behind them.

In addition to its advanced modern technology, Israel also has the highest number of museums per capita in the world. But numbers alone cannot really illustrate the sophisticated breadth and depth of the country’s traditions. The long list of UNESCO World Heritage sites might be a better measure.

As the Chinese saying goes, "Travelling brings one far greater benefit than can ever be learned from a book.” So it is only by experiencing Israel in person that can one truly get to grips with the exuberant diversity of this extraordinary country.


HKU SPACE Executive Academy

HKU SPACE Executive Academy


In the nine-day study tour, you will experience the hybrid nature of this vibrant nation by paying corporate visits to Israel's most influential companies such as AtoBe, Mobileye, and Siftech and also exploring tourist destinations such as Jerusalem’s Old City, Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, and Tiberias.

Also included in the itinerary will be a trailblazing three-day executive education programme at the Hebrew University, which will inspire participants in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship through lectures and workshops. Please visit the website for more details.

About HKU SPACE Executive Academy

Established in June 2016, The HKU SPACE Executive Academy (SEA) is dedicated to delivering quality executive education to develop value-driven business leaders with a global mindset and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our programmes focus on unique insights for addressing today's emerging business challenges so that we are always ONE STEP AHEAD.

Your learning experience with us is characterised by comprehensive knowledge and state-of-the-art expertise so that you can advance your career ONE STEP AHEAD.

Together, we aspire to transform business landscapes and global competitive dynamics innovatively so that we can stay ONE STEP AHEAD.


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過去二十年間,以色列在新創企業以至創業投資的領域上擁有卓越的成就, 新創公司如雨後春筍般紛紛成立。這個人口與香港相約的國家,卻擁有全世界人均最高的新創公司數目,約2847人就有一間。其以高科技為中心的海岸沿線地區亦被譽為以色列的矽谷,創業氣氛緊次美國。

與新創企業息息相關的創業投資(Venture Capital),是眾多初創企業的資本來源。因此,以色列在人均創業投資額也是高踞國際排行。林林總總的初創項目,從眾包(crowdsourcing) 到3D打印;從快速充電電池至視頻短信,不管是哪一個類別,亦可見其不繼創新的動力。




HKU SPACE Executive Academy

HKU SPACE Executive Academy

在這為期九天的以色列創新創業之旅,你將參訪境內最有影響力的科技與新創企業,如AtoBe, Mobileye, Siftech等,親身體會和了解以色列經濟奇蹟背後的原因。我們亦會探索著名景點, 包括耶路撒冷古城,特拉維夫,死海,提比里亞等,感受這個充滿活力的創新國家。

此外,我們將在以色列最具歷史的大學 – 希伯萊大學商學院 (The Hebrew University)內舉行為期三天的高管深造課程,通過大學講座課程及工作坊,進一步探索以色列創新的秘密與生態。歡迎瀏覽網站了解更多詳情。

關於HKU SPACE Executive Academy

成立於2016年6月,HKU SPACE Academy(SEA)致力於為商界精英提供具全球視野和企業家精神的優質培訓。SEA的課程專注於洞察商業先機與挑戰,教授全方位知識,領導才能和實戰經驗,使學員能夠在高度競爭的商業社會始終領先於人。我們以創新為驅動力,攜手改變全球商業的競爭格局。


Telephone Number 2975 5748 (區小姐)
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