Newsletter Issue No. 78

11 NFT 是近期火熱的數碼資產話題。香港數碼資產學會創辦人區偉志先 生於 11 月 25 日的「掌握 NFT 趨勢 2023」講座中,為校友講解了不 同數碼資產的特點,指導大家如何發掘有潛力的 NFT 項目,分析投資 風險,以及預期 2023 年的發展趨勢。 「校友週」講座以現場參與及網上直播形式同步進行,反應熱烈,三個 講座共吸引了接近 400 人次即時收看,截至 11 月底的累積觀看次數 達 1,700。 NFT has been one of the most topical issues in Hong Kong recently. Mr Alex Au Wai-chi, the Co-Founder of the Hong Kong Digital Asset Society, gave alumni the talk “NFT Trends 2023” on 25 November, explaining the characteristics of different digital assets, providing instructions on how to discover potential NFT projects, analysing the risks of digital asset investment and forecasting the trends for various digital assets in 2023. The Alumni Week talks were held simultaneously in the form of on-site participation and online live broadcast, and received an enthusiastic response from alumni. The three talks attracted nearly 400 people to watch in real-time, and the cumulative number of views by the end of November reached 1,700. 數碼資產投資有道 Invest Digital Assets in the Right Way The 2022 Alumni Week was successfully held in November. This year, the School held three talks and invited experts to explore a number of topical issues - trends and investment strategies for the stock market and digital assets. The topics also covered how to deal with stress and emotional illness and stay positive. In addition, an eventful day trip to the Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder was arranged, allowing alumni to embrace nature and recharge their minds and bodies. 「東北地質深度遊」是一趟親親大自然之旅。校友於 11 月 12 日當天在 地質公園暢遊印洲塘海岸公園,認識荔枝窩紅樹林生態,走訪本地客家 村落並了解客家文化,以及遊覽天后古廟、漫步於鴨洲地質徑等。參加 者完成洗滌心靈之旅,人人盡興而歸。 “A Day Trip to Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder” is an event to get close to nature. On 12 November, alumni took a tour of Hong Kong Geopark North-East Wonder to learn about the mangroves ecology in Lai Chi Wo, visiting local Hakka villages and learning about their cultures; alumni also visited Tin Hau Temple and rambled along the Ap Chau’s Geology Trail. Participants completed their journey of cleansing the soul and everyone returned with a lighter heart. 親親大自然 Embracing Nature