Newsletter Issue No. 78

是次頒授儀式假金鐘教學中心楊健明教授 伉儷演講廳舉行,並由香港大學專業進修學 院董事局主席何立仁教授主持。在典禮上, 學院院長李經文教授致歡迎辭,並與常務副 院長分別為四位榮譽院士致讚辭,稱許他們 在其所屬領域上成就卓越、貢獻良多。 The ceremony this year was held in the Professor and Mrs Enoch Young Lecture Theatre at the Admiralty Learning Centre, and was hosted by Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the HKU SPACE Board of Directors. Professor Wi l l iam K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, del ivered the welcoming address. The Di rector and Deput y Di rectors presented the four awardees of the Honorary Fellowship for their awards and praised them for their contributions to the community in their own fields. 第九屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 The 9th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 02 陳坤耀教授 Professor Edward Chen Kwan-yiu 熊海先生 Mr Hung Hoi 四位獲頒授榮譽院士銜的傑出人士: The four outstanding individuals who were awarded the Honorary Fellowship: 第九屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 The 9th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 榮譽院士與學院董事局前主席及現任高級管理層 Honorary Fellows with former Chairmen of the Board of Directors and current senior management