Be extraordinary in 2023
There’s an old saying that says: Mindset determines a person’s realm. Do you ever find yourself thinking, “Oh, I could never do that” when you are faced with a challenge? Or do you think, “I could learn something here"?
Every puzzle is a potential lesson in growth. So, adopting a positive attitude is an important key to achieving your goals. In the coming new year, why not give yourself some extra room to grow and explore some new things. Cultivating a positive mindset can paint a wonderful new life for yourself.
They say that learning is like the ceaseless flow of the waves. The waves never tire. And neither should we.
Understand our past, explore Shanshui and Landscape painting, learn about Chinese Porcelain, or Tao. Find out how our values are reflected in the torrent of history. By learning from docents, we can appreciate past views of history and culture in a new way, and incorporate art into our life to refine our taste.
As we enter the era of data, emerging technologies are gradually being applied to different industries. Mastering the hot trends, like Intelligent Technologies and E-Commerce will help you take your career to the next level. Understanding the culture of the today’s business environment and crisis management will help you to improve your management skills and keep pace with the times.
Our Spring Prospectus is now out. Click here to access a digital version or visit any of our learning centres to get a free printed copy. As your lifelong learning partner, all of us at HKU SPACE will continue working and learning together with you, to help you enjoy a wonderful and enlightening 2023. Believe in yourself, and you’ll be surprised how far you will travel.
最新一期春季課程手冊現已出版,歡迎按此下載電子版,或親臨各大教學中心免費索取。作為你的終身學習好拍檔,HKU SPACE會繼續攜手與大家學習不停步,讓你的2023年繼續擁抱精彩。