15 項結果
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開課日期 2025年2月12日 (星期三)
修業期 共6講, 約2個月
課程費用 HK$2,450
開課日期 2025年2月24日 (星期一)
修業期 共12講﹐6個星期
開課日期 2025年3月1日 (星期六)
修業期 5個星期
課程費用 HK$2250
身體的自由,往往不是取決於物質條件;而是來自於心理與思維的自由。 課堂會由體驗遊戲出發,不需要「跟從」指定的動作,只跟著內心節奏。 從學員的親身體驗到反思,令學員有更深了解創意如何發掘小朋友能力及認識小朋友的獨特性。
開課日期 2025年3月5日 (星期三)
修業期 6個星期
課程費用 HK$2280
開課日期 2025年3月6日 (星期四)
修業期 3個星期
課程費用 HK$1140
逛藝術館是文化旅遊必不可少的環節。今天世界各地藝術館林立,藝術節日繁多,但我們的旅遊時間始終有限,如何漫遊這些藝術館之餘,又可從中領略藝術藏品的精粹,以至一地的文化狀況,實非三言兩語之事。本課程由漫遊歐美台日等地著名的藝術館出發,透過探訪巴黎羅浮宮(Louvre)、倫敦大英國家藝廊(National Gallery)、紐約現代藝術館(MoMA)、梵帝岡(Vatican)、台北故宮(Taipei Palace Museum)及日本瀨戶內海(Setouchi)等地,為大家深入剖析它們的特點,細看館藏精品,在未出發前先作預覽,好讓未來的漫遊變得輕鬆愉快,對藝術館文化有更深刻的體驗。
開課日期 待定
修業期 共6講, 約2個月
課程費用 HK$2,100
課程介紹 1960 年代是香港的轉捩點,是這個城市步入現代化,準備起飛邁向國際的一個關鍵時代。此時香港人的生活,出現了明顯的改善和變化,本課程會從其時日常生活各方面入手,透過探究視覺藝術、建築、電影、音樂,以至時裝、汽車和飲食潮流,進一步了解六十年代的狀況,重溯香港上世紀六十年 代的面貌。時光不可倒流,但文化氣息卻可歴久常新,讓我們齊來認識香港的六十年代,從懷緬中迎接下一個六十年代的來臨。
開課日期 待定
修業期 共6講, 約2個月
課程費用 HK$2,100
The programme guides students through a series of case study units that will help them understand the links between the academic concepts and discussions explored in the degree and how these ideas can be applied using a range of media. This programme is different from others because the practical elements are designed specifically to help students develop their critical thinking - by putting their ideas into practice. They do not just learn what to do and how to do it, they also learn why they are doing it.
Start 01 SEP 2025 (MON)
Duration 2 years to 3 years
The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Graphic Design programme aims to provide comprehensive training for those who aspire to become a professional graphic designer. It provides an articulation route for Higher Diploma or Diploma graduates of graphic design or related disciplines from different institutions. It also provides an opportunity for practising designers to further pursue their studies.
In this programme students pursue self-directed projects that enable them to work to a professional level in concept development, problem solving, production and presentation.
This programme possesses an excellent staff profile. Projects are led by professional designers with extensive experiences in the design industry. Apart from professional design knowledge, staff members are willing to share with students the essential qualities of a successful designer and the latest developments in the design industry.
Start 01 SEP 2025 (MON)
Duration 18 months
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Interior Architecture aims to provide comprehensive training for those who aspire to become a professional interior designer. It provides an articulation route for Higher Diploma or Diploma graduates of interior design or related disciplines from different institutions. It also provides an opportunity for practising designers to further pursue their studies.
This programme adopts a project-centred approach to learning that not only provides the opportunity to explore and develop design thinking but also offers a framework within which to promote contextual knowledge and technical presentation skills.
This programme possesses an excellent staff profile and is closely connected to the local design industry. Renowned interior design firms such as M. Moser Associates Ltd. and Steve Leung Designers Ltd. have been rendering enormous support to this programme by providing students with internships, visits, seminars or professional comments on projects. Graduates of this programme were also presented with valuable opportunities to work in these large firms, thus guaranteering a good start in their career path.
Start 01 SEP 2025 (MON)
Duration 1.5 years