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HKU SPACE News Express Oct 2023
Feature 專題報導 Upcoming Events 活動預告 Programmes 精選課程

Microcredentials – Your New Choice for Lifelong Learning

Not to be missed Alumni 20th Anniversary’s highlight talk

Continuous learning is the key to personal growth and improvement. To assist our alumni in living fruitful lives, we regularly organise a wide variety of diverse activities. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of The HKU SPACE Alumni, the Alumni Week 2023 from October to November will feature a series of talks and guided tours on topics such as our cultural heritage, financial asset allocation strategies to combat inflation, using Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) against ageing, and maintaining our physical and mental health while living in the city.

Asset Allocation Strategy Against Inflation

27 October (Fri) 7pm

Hong Kong investors and homeowners are suffering greatly under the dual impacts of an aggressive interest rate policy by the FED and the debt crisis among Mainland property developers. They fear their assets could become negative equity at any time.  Ms Agnes Wu, the renowned financial analyst and commentator, will analyse the current markets in China and Hong Kong. She will also provide insights into future economic trends and share strategies to cope with the persistent pressures of high interest rates and inflation.

The Superpower of Mindfulnes

1 November (Wed) 7pm

Our city’s fast-paced lifestyle is putting many people under stress. Perhaps you are among those troubled by negative emotions and looking to eliminate them? The Venerable Chang Lin and Ms Catherine Chau will teach you how to use mindfulness to hear your inner voice and take control of your emotions. 

NMN Selection Guide

8 November (Wed) 7pm

The topic of anti-ageing and the growing market demand for supplements and potions to achieve it is gaining a lot of attention in social discussions nowadays. NMN seems to be a promising solution. To address this issue, Mr Stanley SY, the President of Hong Kong Regen Medtech Limited, is invited to host this talk to raise awareness of the potential of NMN, foster trust among potential consumers and encourage people to consider NMN as a valuable supplement in their anti-ageing regimen. 

Also, a special guided tour will be organised to the exhibition of precious artifacts from Sanxingdui to provide insight into the lives and culture of the ancient Shu civilisation, and witness their remarkable achievements.

The Alumni Week 2023 talks will be conducted both online and offline. Register NOW, as we grow together to broaden our horizons and create more opportunities for a brighter future.

校友會20週年活動巡禮 焦點講座 不容錯過

持續學習是我們拉近與世界距離的方式,也是提升自我的不二法門。為協助校友活出豐盛人生,校友會定期舉辦各種活動,趁著慶祝校友會踏入二十週年,將於10月至11月期間舉辦 「校友週2023」活動,舉行多場專家講座及導賞團活動,主題涵蓋﹕文物導賞、通脹下的資產保本策略、NMN的揀選指南及都市人的身心靈健康,讓你增進知識,活得精彩。






香港生活節奏急促緊張,都市人往往忙於事業家庭而疏於照顧自己。你有發現自己總是受到負面情緒困擾,甚至影響身體健康嗎?你又會怎樣舒緩和趕走這些情緒? 校友會邀請到常霖法師周家怡小姐教導大家感受當下呼吸的簡易心安方法,讓你察覺自己內心的聲音。



「NMN 揀選指南」強調了抗衰老產品–NMN在市場日益增長需求,並將它定位為一種有科學證據支持且前景廣闊的抗衰老方案。校友會邀請到香港再生醫學有限公司主席 施明耀先生主持是次講座,旨在提高人們對NMN潛力的認識,建立潛在消費者對NMN的信任,並鼓勵他們考慮將NMN作為其抗衰老方案的寶貴補充。



More 詳情
Upcoming Events
後疫情時代 中醫調節情緒 強化身心之道 健康講座

11 Nov 後疫情時代 中醫調節情緒 強化身心之道 健康講座
Accounting and Finance
Culture, Arts and Design
Food, Nutrition and Health
Full-time International Degree Programmes
Hospitality, Tourism and Events
Social Sciences

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