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What's Happening Events

Nov 2023

NMN Selection Guide

Event of
Alumni Week 2023
Dietetics and Nutrition

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Date & time
08Nov 2023 (Wed)19:00 - 20:00 Free
  • Mr Stanley Sy Ming-Yiu (President of Hong Kong Regen Medtech Limited)

Mr Stanley Sy Ming-Yiu

2910 7680 (

The topic of “anti-aging” and the growing market demand for supplements and potions to achieve it is gaining a lot of attention in social discussions nowadays.  Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) seems to be a promising solution. However, the public is still confused by the often contradictory information about NMN.

Mr Stanley SY, the President of Hong Kong Regen Medtech Limited, will provide an informative discussion on NMN's potential benefits, backed by scientific evidence. He will also address concerns about misinformation on NMN.