每天多學一點,改變 • 可大可小。你準備就緒了嗎?
投資者關係人才待遇媲美 CFO
雖然比起英美及其他歐洲國家,香港IR行業的起步比較遲,但在近十年間,市場對擁有IR經驗及技能的人才需求大增,並出現供不應求的情況。Eva認為,這和香港股票及投資市場的變化密切相關。她指出,在十年以前,香港的股票市場投資者大多是「散戶」,但這情況在2005年出現了變化,她說:「當時中國建設銀行在港上市,成為當時全球集資量最大的新股,這樣大的集資額一定不能再依靠散戶,而是要依靠機構投資者、基金經理(或俗稱的『Fund 佬』)的支持。要獲得他們的『垂青』而注資你的公司,你就必須擁有一個專業的團隊去宣揚公司的發展潛力、解答對方提出的種種問題,並著力維持雙方的關係。」
IR 的工作
Eva坦言,「有錢的地方便要去」- IR專才需要時常跑外勤,向準投資者推介公司的前景。「會面通常進行一小時。大部分人以為,投資者的談論重點只會集中在『數字』上;但事實是,花在數字上的討論的時間往往少於10分鐘。他們最重視的,是公司的策略(Strategies)。」Eva 說。
為增強坊間對IR行業的認識及提高IR人才的質素,Eva除了在2008年創立香港投資者關係協會外,近年更積極與各學院合作創辦滿足市場需求的課程,致力培育IR的精英。Eva參與過的,就包括與HKU SPACE合辦的行政人員證書《投資者關係》(Executive Certificate in Investor Relations)課程,而這包涵Theory and Practice of Investor Relations、Finance Essentials for Investor Relations及Corporate Governance and Ethics in Investor Relations的首個課程,已於月前完成,並於十月進行第二輪招生。
Joint Seminar: How should capital markets participants react to abnormal market volatility?
Alan Lok, CFA, is the director of Capital Markets Policy within the Standards and Advocacy division of CFA Institute in the Asia-Pacific region. He is responsible for conducting research projects in the area of market instruments and market structures. Mr. Lok works with regulators, institutional investors, academics, and various other stake holders within the financial industry to uphold investor protection and market integrity.
Prior to joining CFA Institute, he was a senior investment manager in a renewable-energy multinational corporation in Singapore. His portfolio revolved around carrying out intensive due diligence exercises in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. He received his MBA from the University of Manchester. He was also awarded the FRM (Financial Risk Manager) certification by the Global Association of Risk Professionals.
Dr. Chiang, CFA, has 15+ years of professional experience in investment management and corporate finance in New York as well as Hong Kong.
Presently, he is working in an investment bank, providing investment advisory to ultrahigh net worth individuals and family officers in Greater China. In this capacity, he helps create and implement long-term strategic asset allocation solutions as well as customized investment strategies.
Mr. Franki Chung, CFA, is the Director of The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts and the Chief Investment Officer of MEAG HK, the asset management arm of Munich Reinsurance. Based in Hong Kong, he and his team cover Asian equities and fixed income portfolios for Munich Re. Before joining MEAG in 2010, he was the deputy head of Asia Equities in Baring Asset Management and responsible for country allocation, stock selection and managing equity portfolios in Asia Pacific. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of New South Wales, a Bachelor of Science (Economics) (Hon.) degree from the University of London, a Higher Diploma in Production and Industrial Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic and received the CFA Charter in 1998.
Dr. Chan is the Head of Investor Relations of C C Land Holdings Limited. (stock code : 1224) and founding Chairman of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association. She has more than 25 years of experience and was the CFOs and company secretaries of various listed companies in Hong Kong. She is mainly responsible for formulating the IR strategies for the company and conducting meetings with investors and fund managers all over the world. She also leads in a number of corporate finance exercises and corporate restructuring activities.
Dr. Chan graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. She then earned her MBA degree from the University of Nottingham. She also obtained a DBA degree from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. She is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
Ms. Kwong is currently working in NF Trinity Capital, engaged in buyside equity and credit research. She is also current CFA Charter holder and a holder of Bachelors of Economics and Master of Finance degree. She had been worked in JP Morgan Securities for 8 years and led the sell-side research of Hong Kong and China real estate equities.
備試課程有幾重要? 對任職於稅務局及擁有ACCA會員資格的梁建文(Patrick)而言, 修讀ACCA專業考試備試課程,不但能減低他面對的考試壓力,同時能助他提高溫習的效率及信心。「坦白說,工作之餘,我根本沒有足夠的時間去徹底消化每卷的教科書以應考。HKUSPACE備試課程所提供的Notes,內容精練,往往能讓我明白每卷的考試重點,讓我知道甚麼要花時間讀,甚麼可以省卻。相比起『自修』,在Lecturer『雙管齊下』的講解後,知識會更能『入腦』。 重要的是,課程內要求我們做的Past paper習作,令我能定時了解自己的程度及進度,有助臨場的考試發揮。」他說。
ACCA 成其中主流
As a professional who has been worked in Investor Relations field, I think this programme enriched my knowledge in related area, and strengthened my understanding of IR theories. This programme will provide you professional stardard of IR practice, and give guidance on the behavior and skill needed. So it's also very useful for either new entrants or persons who want to work in Investor Relations. Other than that, it's a good channel to know IR professionals and be close to IR community, which is an useful network you may need.