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HKU SPACE News Express September 2024
Feature 專題報導 Upcoming Events 活動預告 Programmes 精選課程
Reach new heights in life and your career with unlimited learning

Reach new heights in life and your career with unlimited learning

Acquiring new knowledge and mastering a wide range of diverse skills are the keys to transitioning your career and rekindling a rich enthusiasm for life.

Our Autumn prospectus is now out. With a choice of over 1,200 programmes, covering business, humanities, technology, and health sciences, you will have the tools to step out of your comfort zone, achieve your goals for continued growth and take your career to new heights.

Transitioning your career is a self-challenging journey that can help you discover new opportunities. Whether you are shifting from legal administration to art management, or the investment industries, or switching from studying languages to culture and philosophy or the financial market, the key is to stay hungry for knowledge, believe in your potential, and broaden your horizons.

Sometimes, you may feel that while your spirit is willing, your resolve is weak. You may even experience mood swings! This is when reducing stress through mindfulness or soothing tasks like flower arranging, or just spending time with a cup of coffee can help you relax your body and mind so you can listen to your true inner voice, face adversity positively, build resilience and enhance your sense of self-worth.

The School is continually expanding its microcredential courses to provide more flexible learning models and offers the largest and broadest selection of CEF courses in Hong Kong.

Click here to access a digital version and embark on an unlimited learning journey with us to reach new heights in life!



事業轉型是一個持續學習、自我挑戰的旅程。走出舒適圈,踏足新領域,或是為了興趣,又或是尋找新機遇。不論是從法律行政進入藝術管理投資行業,抑或由鑽研語言文化哲學轉戰金融市場, 重要的是時刻保持對知識的渴求,相信自己的潛能,在這漫長的旅途中開拓人生視野。



More 詳情
Upcoming Events
University of London Programmes - One-on-One Info Session

Sep 倫敦大學課程 一對一課程諮詢環節
University of London Programmes - One-on-One Info Session
Food, Nutrition and Healthcare
Full-time International Degree Programmes

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