The Autumn Prospectus Out Now - Reboot your Life
As we embrace our normal life again, your schedule is probably packed with plans to enjoy meals with friends and travel abroad. Have you also thought about new study plans to empower yourself for the challenges of this new era?
A good place to start is our new Autumn prospectus which offers a huge range of new courses to help you explore new knowledge, improve your skills, develop your personal interests and inject some freshness into your life.
For example, do you enjoy visiting art shows? If you do, you might enjoy courses like the Ecosystem of Contemporary Art, Experienced Art Practitioners, and the Luxury Market. And if that’s not enough, how about discovering the art of appreciating life itself in courses like the Psychology of Life in the New Normal and Life Education.
As the digital era increasingly takes over our lives, ChatGPT has become hot topic. You might consider some fascinating courses on combining Big Data with Applied Machine Learning which will be a highly promising field for the future. Or you could learn how to formulate Digital and Social Media Plans or acquire more Financial Intelligence and explore the business opportunities that have sprung up in the industry in recent years.
The School has also launched Microcredentials, which allows you to customise your learning pace, time and interests and accumulate study credits based on interdisciplinary courses you have chosen to meet your needs.
Click here to access a digital version or visit any of our learning centres to get a free printed copy. As your lifelong learning partner, HKU SPACE will continue to assist you throughout the second half of the year to discover the "recipe for a truly happy life".
秋季課程手冊現已出版 為你的生活充電
迎接復常後的首個夏天, 你是否已經將行程排得滿滿?食飯打卡、出國旅行之外,不妨計劃一下你的學習大計,好好充實自己,在這個充滿挑戰和變化的時代規劃未來!HKU SPACE 最新課程手冊現已出版,提供一系列全新課程,助你探索新知識和技能,擴展個人興趣,為生活增添新意。
數碼年代來襲 ,ChatGPT人工智能聊天機器人成為熱話,如何以大數據結合應用機器,可說是未來灸手可熱的範疇;又或是了解多媒體行業的發展,制定營銷計劃、智能金融等,發掘行業近年如雨後春筍般冒起的商機。
學院已經推出「微證書」,學員可按個人節奏、時間和興趣,靈活自訂學習步伐,修讀跨領域的學分制課程。歡迎按此下載電子版,或親臨各大教學中心免費索取。作為你的終身學習夥伴,HKU SPACE會繼續共你學習不停步,助你找到「人生的幸福配方」,迎接不一樣的下半年。