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Education Courses


The Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education and Vocational Education programme is for participants with or without background in education. 
The Doctor of Education (Lifelong Education) (EdD) degree programme in collaboration with the University of Nottingham provides doctoral graduates to the tertiary education and training sectors.


The Diploma in Special Education programme is for teachers and other participants. It consists of five modules: Dyslexia; ADD and ADHD; Gifted education; ASD; and Hearing impairment.


Early childhood education courses focus on Montessori and Waldorf suitable for teachers and parents. English teaching courses provide training for English teachers and those interested in teaching English. Other courses include research methodology etc.

This course is designed for teachers and learners who want to acquire and enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching and learning ESL/EFL in the local context of Hong Kong. The participants will learn how to identify learners’ goals, needs, and their individual cognitive and affective learning problems. The course will discuss effective ways to help students of different age groups and language competences to acquire listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It will introduce Second Language Acquisition theories, pedagogical approaches, instructional designs and classroom strategies for teaching and learning ESL/EFL through task-based learning, communicative teaching and content-language integrated approaches.
Start 13 NOV 2024 (WED)
Duration 5 weeks
Fee HK$2450

This course is designed for teachers and students who have to teach or produce advanced written texts for academic, professional or research purposes. The focus is on using product-focused, process-oriented and genre-based approaches to generate plain English texts that conform to academic and discipline-oriented standards in terms of genre conventions, rhetorical structures and discoursal features.  The instructor will demonstrate how to deconstruct and analyse model texts, journal articles and research papers in diverse contexts, invoke analytical thinking skills and develop effective instructional strategies on writing pedagogy. Participants will receive constructive feedback and suggestions on their writing products.

Start 06 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 25 hours
Fee HK$3000
This programme aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective programme planners, and trainers in adult and vocational education institutions, teachers of post-secondary education colleges, as well as human development personnel in corporations and businesses.

This programme is suitable for Trainers in commerce, industry and public sectors; Teachers in vocational, technical, professional, community and adult education; Personnel involved in programme management, administration and human resources development. The course is open to applicants without prior teaching or training experience.
Start To be advised
Duration 14 months
Fee HK$45000
「全人教育」(Holistic Education) 能啟發學生熱愛生命、尊重他人及嚮往學習,以高階思維 (Higher Order Thinking)方法去思考人生價值和生存意義,在成長過程和體驗生活中培養出尊重、關懷和接納別人等正確觀念。

本課程協助家長、教師和社工了解「全人教育」的概念、理論和實踐方法,進而提昇兒童和青少年的多元智能及多種商數 Multiple Intelligences and Various Quotients (IQ, EQ , PQ, CQ, AQ  及  SQ),促進德智體群美靈的平衡發展,使孩子們成長、成功、成器及成才,擁有更大能耐去應付各類學習及專業需求和適應社會發展。
開課日期 待定
修業期 4個星期
課程費用 HK$1200
研習坊旨在培訓中小學及大專教師,以及企業培訓師掌握STEM 教育,並分享相關教學資源,適合任何科目的老師,以及對STEM 有興趣的人士報讀。

(一)  STEM 教育目標、策略及未來發展
(二)  如何開展STEM 教學,啟發學生創意和探究專題
(三)  STEM 活動及成功個案分享
(四)  分享STEM教學資源(例如:編程教育及AI教育)
開課日期 2024年5月11日 (星期六)
修業期 3個星期
課程費用 HK$1150
開課日期 待定
修業期 6個星期
課程費用 HK$2250
開課日期 2024年9月26日 (星期四)
修業期 1年至3年
課程費用 註冊費 $400
特殊教育(讀寫障礙) $6600
認識及支援專注力不足及過度活躍學童 $4350
認識及支援資優學童 $4350
認識及支援自閉症譜系障礙學童 $4350
聽覺健康及支援聽覺受損學童 $4350


開課日期 2024年5月8日 (星期三)
修業期 6個星期
課程費用 HK$2250

The course is designed for teachers, students, educational and social sciences professionals who intend to accomplish a research project or to study a course that requires research skills.  It aims to enable participants to acquire the knowledge and expertise required for conducting research and writing research proposals and reports. The participants will learn to identify the knowledge gap, define the research problem, frame the research question, review relevant literature, choose a suitable research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods), collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyse them and evaluate their validity and reliability. Finally, the  course will enable the participant to write the research proposal and also report the research findings in discipline-specific genres by using academic language in order that their research could contribute to knowledge creation and development.

Start 26 SEP 2024 (THU)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2900

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has launched the Qualifications Framework (QF) since 2008. It aims to help Hong Kong people to set clear goals and directions for continuous learning to obtain quality-assured qualifications. In the long run, it will help to enhance the overall quality and competitiveness of the local workforce. The QF covers academic, vocational and continuing education sectors. The main characteristic of QF is the adoption of outcome-based approach.

Outcome-based approaches is simple and straightforward - improvement and enhancement in student learning and teaching quality.  This course aims to provide a forum for QF Programme designers and tutors to gain a deeper understanding about outcome-based assessment and to exchange their experience gained in the actual assessment process.

Start 07 NOV 2024 (THU)
Duration 3 weeks
Fee HK$1130


訂閱 學院電子通訊