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最新消息 活動預告

7月 2020

[Online Information Seminar] 疫情之下要做足準備 疫後搶閘彈出有你份




2020年7月15日 (星期三)18:30 - 19:30
Online Seminar
免費入場 ,即場報名可豁免課程報名費
  • Dr. Ringo Chan (Senior Programme Director, HKUSPACE) ;
  • Ms Teresa Wong (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

Dr. Ringo Chan (Senior Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

Ringo Chan has extensive experience in programme development and administrative management of both full-time and part-time programmes ranging from sub-degree to Master degree level in finance. He obtained his EdD from the University of Leicester. He is a financial writer at China Daily. He also serves as the Honorary Flight Lieutenant of the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps.

Ms Teresa Wong (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

Ms. Teresa Wong is a Programme Director in HKU SPACE. She mainly focuses on programme development and external relationship with different professional bodies. She also has over 10 years of teaching experience in accounting, finance and marketing courses in various local tertiary institutions. Prior to joining the education field, Ms. Teresa Wong was the Senior Sales & Marketing Manager in asset management companies. She was responsible for recruitment planning, marketing planning as well as training new staff. She has over 16 years of experience in project management, business operation, delivering training and training programme development. On the Community service aspects, she is the judge of the Best Financial Planner Award (BFPA) for the Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong.

Enquiry: 2867 8312 (
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Law Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Financial Services Advanced Diploma in Finance (Investment)

疫情持續肆虐全球,各行各業皆受影響,各職場人的升職或轉工大計唯有稍為延遲。但與其守株待兔等待疫後復甦,不如及早裝備自己,成為同事間搶閘彈出第一人。增值自己是不二門法,HKU SPACE金融系列課程 - Advanced Diploma in Finance (Investment)、*BA (Hons) Financial Services 、Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Law 為你提供最新的投資管理、金融產品及金融時局最新分析,助你裝備自己,成為業界人才!

The seminar will be delivered via online platform. and the registered participants will receive notification with a link for the online seminar by 15 July 2020.