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最新消息 活動預告

8月 2024
8月 2024


媒體及傳播學, 文化及哲學, 創新、創意及創業




2024年8月10日 (星期六)17:30 - 18:00 2024年8月13日 (星期二)17:30 - 18:00
免費 (註: 出席簡介會可獲豁免報名費)
2910 7607 (
媒體及文化分析深造文憑 Certificate for Module (Researching Media and Culture) Certificate for Module (Analysing Media and Culture)

The seminar aims to give prospective students information about the QF Level and curriculum of the programme. The requirment for applying for the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) will also be covered. Tailor-made advice and insights on how the programme can help students with their personal and professional development will be provided. Seminar participants could have the application fee waived. Below please check the schedule of the seminars: 

Date Time Format*
10 August 2024 (Sat) 5:30pm - 6:00pm Online
13 August 2024 (Tue) 5:30pm - 6:00pm Online

* Successful registrants will receive a link and password for the online seminar via email. 

QF logoThe mother course (Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique) of this course is recognized under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 6).

Articulation to the London College of Communication (LCC)
for Graduates of Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique

An articulation arrangement has been reached between HKU SPACE and London College of Communication (LCC), University of the Arts London (UAL) for graduates of Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique (PMCC) to further their studies to get a Master’s degree.

PMCC graduates are now eligible to apply for the MA Media, Communications and Critical Practice offered by the LCC , with an exemption of 60 credits, out of the total 180 credits. As one of the PMCC graduates, you will only be required to complete 3 units (120 credits) in the programme for the MA qualification. (Note: The  MA Media, Communications and Critical Practice is now only offered in UAL's London campus.)


▲ Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique QF Level: 6 QR Registration No.: 10/000058/6; Validity Period: 01/09/2010 to on-going. Postgraduate Certificate in Media and Cultural Critique QF Level: 6 QR Registration No.: 16/000907/L6; Validity Period: 01/09/2016 to on-going.
The postgraduate diploma programme is awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.