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What's Happening Events

Jun 2024

Blossoms in our City

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Housing & Property

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00
Type of Event
Hybrid (In-person & Online Attendance)
Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Learning Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Mr Terence Lam (Lecturer of THEi)

Mr Terence Lam

Mr Terence Lam has over 30 years of extensive working experience in the arboriculture and horticulture field in the government sector. After his retirement, Mr. Lam is now giving a variety of lectures and seminars on horticulture, landscape design and landscape management at the Technical and Higher Education Institute(THEi) and the Leisure & Cultural Services Department (LCSD).

2508 8865 ( )
Relevant Programmes
Advanced Diploma in Tree Management and Conservation

Hong Kong is a densely populated metropolis with ample of unique seasonal tree blossoms around the city. Mr Lam will introduce the common tree species and discuss the topics related to urban forestry and tree management in Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese


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