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Jun 2024

Chinese Cuisine for Health: Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory in Dietary Therapy

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Open SPACE 2024
Social Sciences

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)15:45 - 16:45
Type of Event
Online Attendance
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Dr Peng Rui

Dr Peng Rui

Medical Doctor, Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Physician, Master's Supervisor, Domestic Visiting Scholar for Young and Middle-aged Teachers in Guangdong Province (under the guidance of Academician Zhang Boli), Successor of Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Guangdong Province, First Batch of Outwardly-oriented Backbone Talents in Traditional Chinese Medicine Management by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Member of the Chinese Hypertension Alliance's Young and Middle-aged Expert Forum (CHIEF Forum). Proficient in applying the theory of constitutional medicine to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and complex internal medicine cases. Mentored by the renowned Chinese medicine masters Deng Tietao, Academician Zhang Boli, and the famous Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Wu Wei in Guangdong Province, this expert possesses unique insights in the fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine health preservation, prevention, and rehabilitation.

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In our busy modern lives, we often neglect our body's needs due to work pressure and unhealthy eating habits. However, Chinese cuisine holds a wealth of health wisdom. By applying the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in dietary therapy, we can guide our food choices to achieve a perfect balance of health and deliciousness. TCM dietary therapy is an important theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine, emphasizing the impact of food on the body and providing personalized dietary recommendations based on individual constitution and symptoms. Each person has unique constitution and health conditions, meaning the same food may have different effects on different individuals. Through TCM dietary therapy, we can understand our own constitutional characteristics, choose beneficial ingredients and cooking methods according to our needs, and achieve our goal of physical and mental well-being. Join our lecture to learn how to apply TCM dietary therapy and eat your way to a healthy life. Let Chinese cuisine become your companion for a healthy body and mind!

Language: Putonghua


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