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Jun 2024

Entering the path of Horticultural Therapy@Life Education

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Social Sciences

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00
Type of Event
In-person Attendance
Room 612, United Learning Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
  • Ms Michelle Leung (Registered Social Worker) ;
  • Mr Paul Choy (Registered Horticultural Therapist) ;
  • Facilitator: Dr Vivian Tse (Programme Director of HKU SPACE)

Ms Michelle Leung

Ms Michelle Leung is a registered social worker and counsellor, Adjunct Lecturer of HKU SPACE, Fieldwork Supervisor of Social Work Department of HKBU. She is also a registered horticultural therapist with the International Asia-Pacific Horticultural Therapy Association, as well as with the Taiwan Horticultural Assisted Therapy Association, the Taiwan ACP Certified Horticultural Therapist, the Taiwan Heart Healing Card Instructor, a certified instructor in Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art, a certified instructor in Mental Health First Aid by the Hong Kong Mental Health Association (Standard, Youth Version, Older Persons), and a tutor in Korean Hand-Kneaded Aroma Stone. She has also participated in the publication of numerous articles on life education and horticultural therapy.

Mr Paul Choy

Facilitator: Dr Vivian Tse

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People become more concern of the mental health issues after COVID-19. Many research found that people will feel relaxed and release pressure when they have contacted with the nature environment. The life cycle of plants and the changes of seasons show the life resilence and simply reflect the life education domain. Therefore, what is the recent development of using Horticultural to enhance the well being of people nowadays? What kinds of target groups are likely to be well deserved for this approach? In view of that, the guest speaker will share the valuable Horticultural Therapy experiences in Hong Kong and lead the participants to experience the elements of horticultural therapy through experiential games.

Language: Cantonese


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