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Jun 2024

Geography: Unveiling its Role in Society and Exploring Exciting Career Paths

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Social Sciences

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)12:00 - 12:45
🔷【In-person】: Room 604, United Centre, 95 Queensway, HK (On-site registration only)
  • Ms Lina Chun (Assistant Lecturer of HKU SPACE Community College)

Ms Lina Chun

Ms Chun studied Geography at the University of Hong Kong and obtained her master's degree from the University of Oxford. She also holds a PGDE. Currently, she is completing her Ph.D. in Geography. Additionally, she serves as an ambassador for the Royal Society of Geography and has organized several conferences during her time in graduate school.

On-site registration only 3416 6338 (

Everything has to do with Geography, and Geography has to do with everything. Join the Geography Department at HKU Space Open Day for an enlightening talk that explores the essence of Geography and its crucial role in today's society. Discover the vast opportunities and potential career paths that studying Geography can offer. 

Talk Duration: 45 minutes with Q&A session 

Language: Cantonese  


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