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What's Happening Events

Jun 2024

Making an educational documentary: A way to learn beyond classroom

Event of
Open SPACE 2024

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)13:00 - 14:00
Room 604, United Centre, 95 Queensway, HK (On-site registration only)
  • Mr Ho Ka Tat (College Lecturer of HKU SPACE Community College)

Mr Ho Ka Tat

Mr Ho Ka Tat had worked in the newspaper industry for over 10 years before joining HKU SPACE Community College. He is now a collge lecturer teaching media courses.

On-site registration only 3416 6338 (

Documentaries are films or videos that can educate and inform viewers about a particular subject matter. They are designed to be informative and educational. This talk will also showcase students' work on creating documentaries about life situations and cultural issues.


Language: Cantonese 


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