Languages Japanese
The School offers award-bearing programmes for those interested in learning more about Japanese language and culture. The seven-level Advanced Diploma in Japanese allows students to acquire a high proficiency in the language, while the multi-modular Advanced Diploma in Japanese Communication and Culture helps advanced students further their communication skills and deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. In addition, a number of short courses cover a wide range of topics such as Kansai dialect, Japanese calligraphy and ikebana.
The School also regularly organises seminars, talks and other extracurricular activities to engage students and encourage cultural exchange. These include education fairs, career seminars, speech and karaoke contests, and seminars on the culture of Higashiyama hosted by experts from Ginkakuji of Kyoto, as well as demonstrations of Sado, Kodo and Japanese cuisine. A Japanese e-learning platform was launched to provide extra learning support outside of the classroom.
The school also launched a Japanese Mini-MOOC to introduce Japanese language and culture in a fun and interactive way. The Japanese Mini-MOOCis open to the public; please visit the following link to start your adventure.
Japanese Programmes
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本課程上課時數共240小時,銜接「日語證書(高級)」。當中包括「Upper Advanced Japanese I」及「Upper Advanced Japanese II」(各120小時)。
本課程緊接前「日語證書(中級)」課程,著重於中級程度的講、聽、讀、寫的訓練。除了教授中級文法之外,在聽與講方面的教材包括問路、請求許可、接受及謝絕邀請、轉述條件、提案、說明原委等各主題。在讀與寫方面則利用節錄自報章、雜誌和書本的文章,訓練學員閱讀、理解、分析和寫作的技巧。Programme Objectives / 課程目標
This programme aims to introduce students to the history and important historical figures of the Sengoku period in Japan. Students will learn about the society and culture of Japan during that period and gain an insight of the societal and cultural influences of the Sengoku period on modern Japan.本課程通過介紹日本戰國時代的歷史及重要歷史人物,加深學員對該時期日本社會和文化的認識,並體會戰國時代的社會文化對現代日本社會及文化的影響。
本課程上課時數共240小時,銜接「日語證書(高級)」。當中包括「Upper Advanced Japanese I」及「Upper Advanced Japanese II」(各120小時)。
The program aims to help students acquire an intermediate to advanced level command of spoken and written Japanese. It develops students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through studying texts, writing, listening, conversation exercises, oral presentations and group discussions.課程旨在幫助學員掌握中至高級程度日語會話及寫作能力。通過文章閱讀、寫作、聆聽、會話、口頭匯報及小組討論等,進一步提升講、聽、讀、寫的水平。