Mr Kwok Tien Fat Simon
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Mr Kwok Tien Fat Simon
郭天發 (Simon)是財務學高級文憑 (投資管理) 課程2012年畢業生,預科主修理科的他在銀行任職文員,因為工作需要亦出於個人興趣,他在2010年選擇進修此項課程,之後升讀HKU SPACE金融商業學院與Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland合辦的財務服務理(榮譽)學士學位課程,預計一年半後便可以順利畢業,Simon說:「修讀財務學高級文憑 (投資管理) 課程不但有助我爭取更高資歷,對職業發展也很有幫助,起碼見工機會已多許多了,而在個人投資理財方面,所學得知識技能亦。」 Simon坦言,他之前也在其他院校進修兼讀制會計課程,卻因為課程乏味故成績欠佳,後來更放棄了,但HKU SPACE有關文憑課程讀來則非常有趣,所以儘管工作壓力不少,仍能堅持進修,他說:「我覺得所學非常實用,令我對財務工作有更深入認識,對日後報考專業牌都很有幫助,雖然課程主要以英文教授,但努力一點仍能應付,結果完成課程後,自己的英文都大有進步。」
2010 – 2011 BSc (Hons) Accounting
2008 – 2010 Advanced Diploma in Accounting, HKU SPACE
1999 – Present Accountant, Next Media Management Services Ltd.
Beyond question, I was impressed by the high caliber of the academics. They have an in-depth knowledge and brilliant teaching skills. The programme enhances my self-learning technique in order to achieve a better result in taking professional examinations afterwards. The programme modules are pragmatic and thus can be always applied on the work, for instance, the strategic management accounting. By completing this bachelor degree, l have crossed the threshold and be eligible to attain a professional qualification. In general, l am benefited for a greater confidence, knowledge and recognition by the seasoned training.
