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This programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive and solid preparation for IELTS (International English Language Testing System), thereby maximising their potential in achieving a higher band score for further studies or career advancement. This programme enables students to enhance their competence in the key language skills (including listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar), develop essential test-taking strategies, undertake intensive practice, accumulate practical test-taking experience, and acquire comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the topics that are commonly assessed in both types of IELTS, namely IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.
Through systematic and innovative delivery of flexible learning (i.e. real-time online lectures, face-to-face classroom teaching and self-paced asynchronous e-learning) blended with flipped classroom pedagogy (pre-lecture learning), this programme provides students with greater accessibility to English language resources, ample test-based practice and student-centred learning experience.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$9,900
开课日期 2025年3月4日 (星期二)
修业期 45小时
课程费用 HK$9000
If you are taking the IELTS test and want to maximise your potential and chances of success, this 45-hour course provides you with essential exam strategies and valuable practice in key language areas. The course offers you invaluable practice and teacher guidance when completing test assignments. Timely feedback is available from the tutor, who is a native speaker of English.
Start 06 FEB 2025 (THU)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,500

Get ready to impress with good results for International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Acquire essential skills and strategies for success, and a clear idea of your current English language abilities.

Start To be advised
Duration 3 weeks
Fee HK$4,000

每位学生都会以互动方式获得非常有用的指导掌握英语口试技巧,参与口试模拟练习,包括3或4名学生持续长达8分钟的小组讨论以及每人持续1分钟的个人回答学生。 每轮模拟练习结束后,老师会实时给予极具建设性的回馈。也将总结学生的改进领域,并在每节课结束时进行报告。

开课日期 2025年2月22日 (星期六)
修业期 18小时
课程费用 $1,500


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