建筑、房屋及建造环境 非诉讼式纷争解决方法

The application of mediation has become increasingly popular in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR Government has actively promoted the use of mediation as an effective means for conflict resolution in different aspects of life. HKU SPACE has been offering a range of mediation courses for over 15 years. The Mediation Practice courses, delivered in both English and Chinese are accredited by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL). Upon completion of the 40-hour course, attendees are accepted as meeting Stage One requirement leading to accreditation as a member of the Association General Panel of mediators.
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On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- distinguish the merits of mediation, and the range and limitations of various methods of mediation and negotiation;
- identify issues in scenarios where mediation is applicable and formulate strategies to resolve a dispute by mediation; and
- communicate with parties effectively and manage and control the stages of mediation.
Successful completion of the 40-hour course is recognized by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) as meeting Stage 1 training requirement. Students need to complete two further satisfactory assessments or conduct two actual mediations to be accredited as General Panel of Mediator.