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This EdD programme helps you expand your knowledge and understanding of how education works, allows you to transform your own practice, and makes an original contribution to knowledge. This doctoral-level programme is a fantastic opportunity to study education at a deep level and relate this back to your own practice.
[Taught stage]
Year 1: 2 instalments of HK$45,330 + HK$22,665
Year 2: 2 instalments of HK$45,330 + HK$22,665
[Thesis stage]
Year 3: HK$67,995
Year 4: HK$67,995
Year 5: HK$67,995 (if required)
Year 6: To be determined by Doctoral College.
*Tuition fees will be reviewed annually and subject to change.
The programme also provides a solid foundation for those who plan to study for a higher qualification in translation in the future: holders of the Postgraduate Certificate in Translation can articulate to Postgraduate Diploma in Translation with exemption from the first five modules of the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation programme offered by HKU SPACE.
2. Course fee: HK$21,300 to be paid on notification of acceptance.
*Fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred.
Module 1: Business English for Professionals
Module 2: Professional Communication in Business Administration
Module 3: Professional Communication in Financial Services
Module 4: Financial Communication and Relationship Management
This programme aims to introduce to students the lives and achievements of some of the most influential Japanese women in different fields from ancient to modern day Japan. Students will also gain an understanding of the changing role of woman in Japanese society.本课程旨在向学员介绍由古到今,在各领域具影响力的日本女性的生平及成就,学员可从中了解到女性在日本社会上的角色转变。