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注册营养师 | |
马鲁爱仪 | BSc, UNSW, PgDip, DHSc Syd, APD(Aust); Member of Register of Dietitians Accredited by Department of Health |
杨晓茵 | BSc HK; MND Syd; PD CUHK; APD(Aust); Member of Register of Dietitians Accredited by Department of Health |
张嘉伦 | BSc Br Col; PgDip, MSc Ulster; SRD UK; Member of Register of Dietitians Accredited by Department of Health |
星期一 及 星期四 早上
星期二 及 星期三 下午
星期六 中午时段
星期日 及 公众假期 休息
电话: | 3761 1008 |
电邮地址: | dietclin@hkuspace.hku.hk |
地址: | 香港北角英皇道250号北角城中心4楼403室 (炮台山港铁站B出口)(地图) |

Dr. Wendy Ma
Dr Wendy MA
Dr Ma graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia and is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Dietitians Association of Australia (APD, Australia) and a Member of Register of Dietitians accredited by Department of Health, HK. She has extensive dietetic experience having worked in both public and private hospitals both in Hong Kong and overseas. As a clinical dietetics educator for dietetic students, she has also been appointed as an Honorary Clinical Dietitian with various Hospital Authority hospitals.

Ms Kammy Yeung
Kammy graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics degree from the University of Sydney. She also obtained a postgraduate diploma in Diabetes Management and Education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and completed the training course of The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome from Monash University as well as IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition from Sportsoracle. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (Australia) and a member of Register of Dietitians accredited by Department of Health. She has extensive working experience in both private and public hospitals as a clinical dietitian.

Ms. Karen Chang
Ms Karen Chang
Ms. Karen Rita Chang obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from the University of British Columbia, Canada and Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Ulster, U.K.. She is a Registered Dietitian in the United Kingdom and an Accredited Dietitian in Hong Kong. Ms. Chang has extensive working experience in the private setting as a clinical dietitian. She has been providing dietetic consultations in the Dietetic Clinic of HKU SPACE since 2002.
个别营养咨询 | 营养治疗及健康检查计划 |
午间学堂 | 工作坊 |
(1) 个别营养咨询
透过测量体重、脂肪比率及分析每天的饮食模式,营养师将为您提供度身订做的饮食建议,助您达至理想的体重及改善健康状况。 营养师更会仔细跟进您的健康进度并于适当时候调整餐单建议或安排跟进会面。
- 过重或过轻
- 糖尿病
- 肾病
- 高血压
- 心脏血管病
- 胆固醇过高
- 痛风症
- 脂肪肝
(2) 营养治疗及健康检查计划
维持良好健康应进行定期身体检查。 这项新计划能同时为您提供详细身体检查(及营养评估/咨询。您亦可按需要选择包括个别营养咨询的计划。特别适合过重人士或关心自己健康和生活习惯的人士,透过这计划认识 自己的健康状况,接受专业饮食建议以改善健康。
- 医生咨询
- 个别营养咨询四次
- 个别营养咨询八次
个人营养咨询 $650(新)/$540(跟进)
营养学治疗及教研中心已登记为医疗券服务提供者,详情请向职员查询。 合资格人士可使用医疗券支付营养咨询费用。
(i) 合资格人士
年满65岁并持有有效香港身份证或入境事务处发出的《豁免登记证明书》的长者,即符合资格领取及使用医疗券支付私营基层医疗服务的费用,但若该长者是凭借其已 获入境或逗留准许而获签发香港身份证,而该准许已经逾期或不再有效则除外。
长者医疗券计划现容许两名有配偶关系、均年满 65 岁并合资格使用医疗券的长者,在双方同意下并连结其医疗券户口后可共用对方的医疗券。 双方户口连结后,当其中一方的医疗券户口内的余额耗尽,即可以使用其配偶户口内的医疗券。 长者亦可使用电子同意书以表示同意使用的医疗券金额。
(ii) 怎样使用医疗券?
1. 向营养学治疗及教研中心职员出示你有效的香港身份证或《豁免登记证明书》,并示意使用医疗券。
2. 接受医疗服务后,签署同意书并确认要使用的医疗券金额。
3. 营养学治疗及教研中心职员会提供医疗券使用记录。
- 体重管理
- 糖尿病
- 高血脂 / 胆固醇水平异常
- 其他健康状况
$2600(5 节)
每节营养咨询均由营养师进行,当中包括详细营养评估分析和个人化营养咨询。 首次营养咨询的时间为约 45 -60分钟 ,而其后每次跟进为约30 分钟。